First of all, I will explain what we are trying to develop. Basically, our idea 
is to make OpenVPN works at kernel level, not at user level, and use the linux 
cryptoapi instead of openssl. We will not use de /dev/net/tun (that is user 
level space) and will create some new interfaces (something like openvpn0, 
openvpn1, etc.).  

We have being studying the OpenVPN source code but we get a little overwhelmed. 
It is not easy to understand all the sources. We need some help, especially to 
understand correctly the OpenVPN protocol. How the encrypted packet is formed? 
How the packet is desencrypted? If you add some extra data to the packet? etc, 
In a few words, we need the OpenVPN protocol.

We use this simple static-home.conf (Using Blowfish and SHA1 by default)
# Sample OpenVPN configuration file for         
# home using a pre-shared static key.           
# '#' or ';' may be used to delimit comments.   

dev tun
up ./client.up
secret static.key
port 5000
verb 3

These are our doubts:

1- In the web page ( it says:
"In static key mode, a pre-shared key is generated and shared between both 
OpenVPN peers before the tunnel is started. This static key contains 4 
independent keys: HMAC send, HMAC receive, encrypt, and decrypt. By default in 
static key mode, both hosts will use the same HMAC key and the same encrypt/
decrypt key. However, using the direction parameter to --secret, it is possible 
to use all 4 keys independently."

We genereted this static key:

# 2048 bit OpenVPN static key
-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----
-----END OpenVPN Static key V1-----

Question: This is a 256 bytes key, which part of this key is used for HMAC and 
which for encryption/decryption? (We do not use de --secret option)

2- We test OpenVPN like this:

First we send a paquet without OpenVPN running. This is the structure of the 
packet we get with Ethereal. We use the following command: 
#echo "hola" | nc 80

   Unencrypted Packet

  Total length=57 bytes
|       IP HEADER       |               IP Header length = 20 bytes     
|       TCP HEADER            |         TCP Header length = 32 bytes    
|       DATA                  |         DATA length = 5 bytes
|                               |
|       hola.                   |

Then we start OpenVPN with this command: 
#openvpn --config static-home.conf --cipher none
We run:
#echo "hola" | nc 80
And we get this

OpenVPN Unencrypted Packet

Total length=113 bytes
|       IP HEADER       |               IP Header length = 20 bytes     
|       UDP HEADER            |         UDP Header length = 8 bytes     
|  Original IP HEADER   |               Orig. IP Header length = 20 bytes
|  Original TCP HEADER  |               Orig. TCP Header length = 32 bytes
|       HMAC                  |         HMAC length = 20 bytes
|       IV                    |         IV length = ?????????
|   Sequence number     |               Sequence numbre length = 8 bytes
|       DATA                  |         DATA length = 5 bytes
|       hola.                 |

"The plaintext of the encrypted envelope is formatted as follows:
64 bit sequence number
payload data, i.e. IP packet or Ethernet frame"

Question: What's the meaning of the sequence number field before the DATA? What 

Question: What length does the IV have? 
Question: Are correct the lengths we put? 
Question: Is correct the packet structure? 
Something must be wrong because if you add all the lengths (20 + 8 + 20 + 32 + 
20 + 8 + 5) you will get 113 (total packet length) but you did not add the IV 

And finally we restart OpenVPN with this command:
#openvpn --config static-home.conf 
We run:
#echo "hola" | nc 80
And we get this

OpenVPN Encrypted Packet

Total length=128 bytes
|       IP HEADER       |               IP Header length = 20 bytes     
|       UDP HEADER            |         UDP Header length = 8 bytes     
|  Original IP HEADER   |               Orig. IP Header length = 20 bytes
|  Original TCP HEADER  |               Orig. TCP Header length = 32 bytes
|       HMAC                  |         HMAC length = 20 bytes
|       IV                    |         IV length = ?????????
|   Sequence number     |               Sequence numbre length = 8 bytes
|       DATA                  |         DATA length = 5 bytes
|       blabla          |
|       Rest                  |         Rest = 15??????? (Block cipher, 

"The plaintext of the encrypted envelope is formatted as follows:
64 bit sequence number
payload data, i.e. IP packet or Ethernet frame
The HMAC and explicit IV are outside of the encrypted envelope."

We supposed that the difference between the encrypted and desencryted packet 
lenght (15 bytes) is because we are using a block cipher (Blowfish - CBC).

Question: Is this correct? 
Question: The length of the sequence number plus the length of the payload must 
be an even multiple of block size?

We will apreciatte a lot your collaboration.

Gervasio Bernal, from Mendoza - Argentina
Pedro Deis, from Mendoza - Argentina

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