Hi list,
Few weeks ago I've announced on users list that I will publish a patch
aiming at adding a tcp server in the wrapper. That's now done.
I'm not familiar with patch making with diff and my modifications only
apply on the service-win32 directory in the openvpn source code.
What have been added precisely?
- a client apps (whitout any admin credentials) can talk with a tcp
server launched in the actual openvpnserv.exe windows service.
- on localhost only
- without any auth. from the client.
- it's for now possible to start/stop a tunnel via a gui/console app.
- the actual functions of automatic launch of tunnels is still ok but
you have to add the config filename of the tunnel that must be run at
startup into a new file named service.cfg (placed into the openvpn
config files dir). It's necessary because in the original service, all
.ovpn files were ran at startup. So now you can start a tunnel1.ovpn at
startup and allow a user to start another tunnel2.ovpn when he want
using a GUI/console app.
What have change in the original code?
- rewrite of some functions in order to use them more accuratly in the
tcp server
- the makefile have been change a little too.
- add of tcpser.c and tcpser.h
Where do I get it?
You can get 2 tarballs for now:
- one including the patched wrapper which just have to replace
completely the actual code.
- one with the client code I use to test the tcp server. This code
probably only helps GUI developpers
Mathias Sundman will work on the client code in order to add this
feature on his GUI.
Thanks to the list for his ideas (in an old thread;-) on this kind of
Thanks to Mathias for his help in my first real contribution to opensource.