For reference, I found out the root cause of the problem. 
1) The server certificate has expired
2) Seems like redis was hanged
Re-generating the certificates and flushing/restarting redis did the
But there was absolutely NO logs at all despite openvasmd running in
verbose mode....not even a single clue ! How come the logging facility
of OpenVAS is so useless ?!On Mon, 2018-10-08 at 10:17 +0200, tatooin wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Using OpenVAS 8 on Linux Mint 18.3. I was doing vulnerability scans
> without issues last weeks, when during the week end my scans were
> automatically put in "Stopped" mode.
> I tried to restart / resume my tasks but GSA hangs forever (same
> results if launching tasks directly with OMP)
> So I checked my scanners and found that openvasmd cannot query the
> scanner anymore. Openvasmd --verify-scanner hangs forever. I tried
> re-creating a new scanner with same CA/certs but same results. 
> So the communication between openvasmd and openvassd is broken. There
> is absolutely NO informations in the logs. I even tried with
> openvassd in foreground mode but same thing, no errors.
> Any clue on what's happening / How to solve this ?
> Thanks !!!
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