
On 22.08.2018 16:33, Thomas Lionel SMETS - Prof wrote:
> I run an GSM installed from the iso image on VMWare.
> When I run a scan of websites, the scan lasts for a few seconds and
> reports NOTHING.
> Content of /val/log/openvas/openvasd.message indicates that all the
> hosts are DEAD.

Most likely the chosen "Alive Test" [1] of your target definition
doesn't match the requirements of your network / the scanned hosts to
detect them as "Alive".


> Running a wget against one of the active hosts, retrieves the index.html
> page ... which tend to prove the network is not the culprit !
> \T,



Christian Fischer | PGP Key: 0x54F3CE5B76C597AD
Greenbone Networks GmbH | https://www.greenbone.net
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