I installed GreenBone from the iso image as a VM...  It worked almost fine but some Feeds are not updated : NVT & SCAP. Going through the Console, I managed to update the feeds but only the CERT has been updated.

Any idea ?

As "Admin", I can try to manually update the NVT feed /usr/sbin/greenbone-nvt-sync but it seems more of an issue than anything else ...

Any idea ?


Thomas Lionel SMETS
*@ :* thomas.sm...@a3-system.eu (Hangout)
*Skype :* tsmets

*Serial Number:* 73:79:9F:5A:A2:01:B1:8E:35:A5:B5:95:C4:12:DD:9F
*SHA-256 :* 75:8E:3D:47:05:E7:D9:16:39:3E:D5:51:C4:E1:10:63:63:D8:F5:25:CB:AE:80:64:65:5A:28:DE:9D:51:F1:D4

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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