Hello, Since months agos, I am working on a Openstack Client application for Android whose objective is to managa your own openstack cloud or you instances if your are a client from a Openstack Cloud Provider.
Last version was 0.7 and i think that basic bugs for connection and starting manage is fixed. In fact in last version the changelog is: Fix problem with AUTH on new releases. Fix instances hostname for users without permissions. Fix all problems when there isn't any data. Re-desing interface to use all screen. Change some logo to use Openstack logo instead of stars logo. It's a fork from an old project which it's called stackerz, I made some arrangements on login to adapt it for new Keystone V3 and some improvements on calls to certain Openstack API calls. I would like to to ask to list if you see an useful project to continue or maybe not. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alefnode.openstack&hl=en_US Regards, Adrian Campos [https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/XBT2ArGBP5nAbG0RRySrJPcv-koCPYgxfHzDeeUVgcMKG9x8ZuYHdByQGGY71Yjifw]<https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alefnode.openstack&hl=en_US> Openstack Client - Apps on Google Play<https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alefnode.openstack&hl=en_US> Openstack client for Android. Tested on Openstack Queens (2018.02) and Openstack Pike (2017.08) With this application you can manage all your openstack platform. - Servers - Networks - Subnets - Security Groups - Flavors This is a beta release and only for Keystone V3 authentication. play.google.com
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