Just a reminder that tomorrow is the OpenStack 8th Birthday at the Intel campus
in Santa Clara. We're looking for your help to spread the word to let all your
friends, coworkers, and others that might be interested in attending. Would you
mind taking a second and forwarding along this email to them? We've got a half
day of talks and labs following by an evening social. We've got a number of top
speakers including the Cloud CIO of Cisco, Lew Tucker, CEO of VexxHost,
Mohammed Naser, the original K8s PM and GKE co-creator, Eric Han and Platform 9
talking about their migration off AWS onto a private OpenStack cloud. If you
don't have time for the afternoon talks and labs, simply join us for the
keynotes, or in the evening for the social, networking, Lightning Talks, and
party! Great presentations, free food, fancy drinks, cupcakes, and tons of
swag! What's not to love? Here are all the details:
https://www.meetup.com/openstack/events/252368073/ July 10, 2018 1:00 PM - 6:00
PM Presentation and labs 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Lightening talks, dinner, fancy
drinks, give-aways, and cupcakes. Intel Altera Campus Building 3, Auditorium
131 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Thank you to all our sponsors
including: Canonical (https://www.canonical.com/) Cisco (http://www.cisco.com/)
Cisco DevNet (https://developer.cisco.com/) Datera (http://www.datera.io/)
Intel (https://software.intel.com/networking/) Packet Host
(https://www.packet.net/) Platform9 (https://platform9.com/ ) Portworx
(https://portworx.com ) Red Hat (http://www.redhat.com/) Redis Labs
(https://redislabs.com/) SoftIron (https://softiron.com/)
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