Hi Team Nova develop!


I build OpenStack version Queens with 05 node (03 node controller, 02 node 
compute). I use HAproxy to load balancer all services.


First, I create endpoint with http protocol. Everything is successful. 


Next, I change endpoint from http to https. After complete, I use openstack 
command normally.


But, I can not use nova command, endpoint nova have been redirected from https 
to http. Here:  <http://prntscr.com/k2e8s6> http://prntscr.com/k2e8s6 (command: 
nova –insecure service list)


And this is error log: Unable to establish connection to ('Connection aborted.', BadStatusLine("''",))


Endpoint after change:  <https://prnt.sc/k2cgjm> https://prnt.sc/k2cgjm

Horizon error:  <https://prnt.sc/k2chwm> https://prnt.sc/k2chwm

Nova version: http://prntscr.com/k2eaxh


My LAB : Ubuntu 16.04 LTS,


Please help me fix this bug.


Thanks and Best Regards!


Nguyen Trong Tan


Openstack group user VietNam.



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