Hey Guru!

I think this might be what you are looking for: 

However, this will be a decent amount of work doing it on a single machine. I 
am assuming you are going to use VirtualBox or VMWare to create the multiple 
nodes. I did this same procedure a few years ago using VBox and while I learned 
a lot, I would never recommend it as using PackStack, DevStack, or Openstack 
Ansible (OSA) remove so many of the pitfalls that are going to occur.

If you do choose to go this route, especially on a single machine using 
virtualization, plan on it be an arduous process and hitting hundreds of little 

Brandon Bruce

From: Guru Desai <guru...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 8:57:34 AM
To: OpenStack Mailing List
Subject: [Openstack] Openstack manual setup


I plan to setup openstack manually on single server ( preferably PIKE). Somehow 
i am not able to find any documentation for the same. Could some one help with 
any pointers.
All the documentation that i find refers to either packstack or devstack which 
i dont want to use.
I would like to setup all the openstack services on single server, either 
ubuntu or centOS.

Any pointers would be very helpful..

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