There are definitely 1,001 opinions on what is “best”.  We use RDO at Overstock 
and we use home-grown puppet modules because we do our own puppet modules for 
everything else we do here.  We based everything around the official Openstack 
install documents and we do it because we want to *fully* understand everything 
we can instead of treating it like a black box that knows how to do the magic.

However, there are lots of options out there - ansible, kolla, puppet plus 
vendor-specific options too like those provided by Mirantis.  If there are 
config management tools (ansible, puppet, etc) that you already use, you may 
want to check out the Openstack options for those.  You are correct that that 
packstack is more of a ‘all-in-one-server’ installer for a quick POC.  It can 
to more, but I think RDO recommends “Triple-O” (which stands for 
Openstack-on-Openstack) for production RDO deploys.  Since they are affiliated 
with RedHat, they would also lean heavily towards the Ansible option as well.

Good luck!

Mike Smith
Overstock Cloud Team

On Jun 20, 2017, at 5:49 PM, Erik McCormick 
<<>> wrote:

This is a religious discussion for most, but I would suggest Kolla. It takes 
out a lot of the guess work, has a good upgrade mechanism, and is well 
supported by the community via mailing list and ORC. Take a look.


On Jun 20, 2017 7:15 PM, "Satish Patel" 
<<>> wrote:
We are deploying 5 node openstack cloud for internal use and wondering
what method we should use, initial test was on RDO packstack but i
heard packstack isn't good for production, some people on google
suggesting using triplo. I found its little complicated because you
need one more extra server run undercloud openstack to deploy
overcloud openstack, should i really use triplo or is there any other
and easy method which can allow us to upgrade in future also.

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