Hi Jorge,

You can use heat template to launch these type of VM's, The user data to
edit interface file can be:

    sudo echo >> /etc/network/interfaces
    sudo echo auto ens3 >> /etc/network/interfaces
    sudo echo iface ens3 inet dhcp >> /etc/network/interfaces
    sudo echo iface ens3 inet6 auto >> /etc/network/interfaces
    sudo echo pre-up sleep 5 >> /etc/network/interfaces
    sudo echo dhcp 1 >> /etc/network/interfaces


On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 1:05 AM, Jorge Luiz Correa <corre...@gmail.com>

> I need to customize/configure the file /etc/network/interfaces (or
> 50-cloud-init.cfg) from Ubuntu and Debian cloud images. My environment uses
> IPv6 with stateless configuration so I have replace this:
> --- generated by cloud-init ---
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> auto ens3
> iface ens3 inet dhcp
> ---
> with this:
> ---
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> auto ens3
> iface ens3 inet dhcp
> iface ens3 inet6 auto
>   pre-up sleep 5
>   dhcp 1
> ---
> This configuration makes the instance generate theis IPv6s and get others
> configurations from DHCPv6. The 'sleep' is due a Ubuntu bug.
> How can I do that?
> I need to customize the image before upload to OpenStack? Is there any way
> to pass this configuration at boot time? Is there any way to force all
> instances to have this configuration?
> I appreciate any help!
> Thanks.
> - JLC
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