Hi Mridu,
Here is a wiki with more information about Outreachy.
https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Outreachy  The current internship period
just started, so I think it will be a couple months before the applications
open again.  If you're interested in starting with a particular project,
I'd recommend finding their IRC channel (you can do this via google for
most OpenStack projects), or you can go on the openstack-101 channel and
ask for help.
Best of luck!  Welcome to the community!
Emily Kate Hugenbruch
OpenStack Cloud Enablement Engineer - z/VM and Software Engineer - z/VM
IBM Corporation Endicott, NY
Twitter: @ekhugen
IRC: ekhugen@freenode

From:   Mridu Bhatnagar <mridu.bhatna...@st.niituniversity.in>
To:     openstack <openstack@lists.openstack.org>
Date:   06/01/2017 05:27 AM
Subject:        [Openstack] OUTREACHY

Hello all,

I am new to this community of open source developers. But I am keenly
interested and looking forward to start contributing. And wish to apply for
the coming outreachy.

If any of you can help me get a step ahead it would be great. I am looking
for python related contribution.

Awaiting your response

Thank You
Mridu _______________________________________________
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