Hi Maxwell,

I found that OSA use keepalived to resolve controller HA, but whether the
> keepalived support compute HA? What shoud I do or which file I need to
> config if I want to resolve compute HA?
> And there are some solutions for compute HA in this web:
> http://aspiers.github.io/openstack-summit-2016-austin-compute-ha/ . Would
> the OSA use pacemaker or some other solutions to support compute HA?
We don't currently have a nova compute HA solution built-in - although OSA
itself is quite pluggable, so if you were interested in adding
functionality to OSA for that - by utilizing the inventory and roles
that are setup in OSA you would be able to achieve this.

However, as it stands there is only functionality for adding keepalived HA
functionality for the controller/API services.

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