Thanks for the update, Oisin, this is very useful! :)
On 03/28/2017 08:39 PM, Oisin O'Malley wrote:
There was 2 separate issues to resolve;
Firstly Nova was appending the default domain name .novalocal to the hostname
it presents via the meta-data service. This can be resolved by setting
dhcp_domain to an empty string in nova.conf on the Control node. For instance
'dhcp_domain='. An instances name can now be set to a FQDN which will then be
passed cloud-init via the metadata server.
Secondly, The Neutron DHCP service sets the default DNS suffix for a NIC to openstacklocal .
This causes delays in DNS lookups on external DNS servers, as the wrong domain is used by
default. Similarly to the above, this can be resolve by setting 'dhcp_domain=' in the Neutron
DHCP config file dhcp_agent.ini. Once this is set and the DHCP service restarted, the
"--domain=<DOMAIN>" parameter no longer gets set
Oisin O'Malley
Systems Engineer
Iocane Pty Ltd
763 South Road
Black Forest SA 5035
Office:+61 (8) 8413 1010
Fax:+61 (8) 8231 2050
Better for business
on the DHCP agents dnsmasq and no default search suffix gets passed via DHCP.
Setting dns_domain Neutron network attribute, appears to do nothing at the
On 03/26/2017 11:49 PM, Matthew Taylor wrote:
Responded off-list.
For the benefit of the community, would one of you care to repeat the answer
on-list please?
On 27/3/17 14:22, Oisin O'Malley wrote:
Hi All,
What is the correct way to set an instances DNS search suffix via
DHCP, currently all instances receive the default openstacklocal DNS
search space. We are using OpenStack Newton with Neutron Networking.
Setting dhcp_domain in dhcp_agent.ini will set the value globally for
all networks, which is of little use as we host many Windows VMs with
their own domains and DNS servers. Whatever is set as dhcp_domain is
passed to Neutron DHCP Agent dnsmasq subprocess via a
--domain=<DOMAIN> parameter.
With the Neutron DNS extension enabled, you can set the a networks
dns_domain attribute with "neutron net-update --dns-name", though
this attribute appears to be ignored by the DHCP server. Can this be
used to specify the DNS search space, if so how can it be configured?
I need to be able to configure this on a per network/subnet level.
Oisin O'Malley
Systems Engineer
Iocane Pty Ltd
763 South Road
Black Forest SA 5035
Office:+61 (8) 8413 1010
Fax:+61 (8) 8231 2050
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