I think you need to pass %index% in a string, e.g. type: Turbo::LoadBalancerMember properties: index: “%index%” instance: { get_attr: [instance, instance] } pool: { get_attr: [listener_tcp_8301, pool] }
/Lasse On 2017-03-12, 16:09, "Turbo Fredriksson" <tu...@bayour.com> wrote: On 12 Mar 2017, at 14:50, Turbo Fredriksson <tu...@bayour.com> wrote: > So how do you pass on ‘%index%’ to that child? > > Because I still need to “retrieve” the IP with get_attr so I can send it to the child.. Well, I could just send the whole ‘instance’ ID, and in the child retrieve it. But I still can’t figure out how to “send” it to the child: —— s n i p —— member_tcp_8301: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup properties: count: { get_param: capacity } resource_def: type: Turbo::LoadBalancerMember properties: index: %index% instance: { get_attr: [instance, instance] } pool: { get_attr: [listener_tcp_8301, pool] } port: 8301 —— s n i p —— gives: —— s n i p —— found character '%' that cannot start any token in "<unicode string>", line 71, column 18: index: %index% —— s n i p —— This with a child like: —— s n i p —— heat_template_version: 2015-04-30 description: Add an instance to a Loadbalancer pool listener. parameters: instance: type: string description: Instance ID of the instance to add to the listener. pool: type: string description: Pool ID of the pool to add the instance to. port: type: string description: Port number to forward from the listner to the instance. index: type: number description: Index in address list to use resources: member: type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::PoolMember properties: address: { get_attr: [{ get_param: instance }, address, index] } subnet: { get_attr: [{ get_param: subnet }, port_subnet, index] } pool: { get_param: pool } protocol_port: { get_param: port } outputs: member: value: { get_resource: member } description: The member ID. —— s n i p —— _______________________________________________ Mailing list: http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack Post to : openstack@lists.openstack.org Unsubscribe : http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack _______________________________________________ Mailing list: http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack Post to : openstack@lists.openstack.org Unsubscribe : http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack