Hello everyone,

An update on the Outreachy program, including a request for volunteer
mentors and funding. For those of you who are not aware, Outreachy helps
people from underrepresented groups get involved in free and open source
software  by matching interns with established mentors in the upstream
community. For more info, please visit:

We so far have a confirmation for three spots for OpenStack in this round
of Outreachy. But we are receiving more applicants who are interested in
contributing to different OpenStack projects. Interested mentors - please
publish your project ideas to this page
https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Internship_ideas. Here is a link that helps
you get acquainted with mentorship process:

We are looking for additional sponsors to help support the increase in
OpenStack applicants. The sponsorship cost is 6,500 USD per intern, which
is used to provide them a stipend for the three-month program. You can
learn more about sponsorship here:

Outreachy has been one of the most important and effective diversity
efforts we’ve invested in. It has evidently been a way to retain new
contributors, we’ve had some amazing participants become long-term
contributors to our community.

Please help spread the word. If you are interested in becoming a mentor or
sponsoring an intern, please contact me (mahati.chamarthy AT intel.com) or
Victoria (victoria AT redhat.com).

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