To look at current availability of a single object you can use
`swift-get-nodes` and check all of the primary locations - or if you have
the `.data` file handy already you can use `swift-object-info`

Either of these options will tell you were the object should be, and also
where it might be if there was a failure leading to handoff.  There's even
some output to help you spot check those locations.  OTOH, if you have
recently rebalanced you can use either of these tools with the old ring as

... but honestly unless your troubleshooting a specific failure these
things may not work exactly according to your requirements.  They aren't
really designed to be consumed on an "object-by-object" basis.  There's
just too many objects!

As you pointed out swift tends to break things down by partition - and
there's already a lot of partition-replicas!  (3 replicas * 2^16 partitions
is a lot!)

One of the more recent ideas about how to visualize replication backlog is
too look at all the partitions acctually on disk and see how it differs
from the partitions that are assigned in the ring - some of the idea is
fleshed out here:

Maybe you have some different ideas?  Or a different use-case?  Or maybe
it's a common goal that lots of deployments are solving in various ways or
maybe something no one really currently has a good handle on?

Are you working a solution to a particular problem in your deployment or
anticipating a need down the road?


On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 5:01 AM, Chris <> wrote:

> Hello,
> How is it possible to get the following information from swift:
> -          Backlog of all replications based on files
> -          Query the replication status for a specific file
> I know there is the swift-dispersion-report but this gives the partition
> view. We are more interested in the file view
> Thanks in advance.
> Cheers,
> Chris
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