
It does not matter whether you try it with the same instance or another one. 
Once you applied with a floating IP that you released before, it means the IP 
has been iterated over again through the allocation pool. 

Or if you would apply the same IP which has been released next time, you could 
follow the command below in your OpenStack console of the controller node:

  neutron floatingip-create FLOATING_NETWORK --floating-ip-address 

Then you do not need to wait for the same floating IP to be iterated over the 
allocation pool.

------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "Yngvi Páll Þorfinnss"<yngv...@siminn.is>;
Date:  Wed, Feb 24, 2016 02:59 AM
To:  "Rick Jones"<rick.jon...@hpe.com>; 

Subject:  Re: [Openstack] floating ip

I tried it again with another instance, and another fl.ip
And this time, the fl.ip became available again... so I could reuse it.
I'm not sure why the first one became not available.

Best regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Jones [mailto:rick.jon...@hpe.com] 
Sent: 23. febrúar 2016 17:12
To: openstack@lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [Openstack] floating ip

On 02/23/2016 06:22 AM, Yngvi Páll Þorfinnsson wrote:
> Hi
> How can I choose a particular flotating IP for an instance?
> I just released an floating IP from an tenant, but would like to 
> associate this particular IP , with another instance.
> It's not in use, when I list all floating IP's , it does not appear in 
> the list:
> neutron floatingip-list | grep IP

I'm not familiar with a command way to request a specific floating IP (eg out of the pool(s).  Once you delete a given floating IP, it goes back 
into the free pool, at least after a fashion - as part of what I recall is an 
effort to minimize overheads, it won't actually come-up for allocation again 
until the allocations have cycled through all the addresses ahead/behind it.  
So, if the pool was IPs:

1 2 3 4

And you happened to get "2" but then deleted that floater, "2" will not be 
allocated again until 3, 4 and 1 have been allocated (and perhaps freed).  
Allocation goes in a big circle.

If you want to move a floating IP from one instance to another, you should just 
disassociate the floating IP, not also delete it.  Then the floating IP remains 
allocated to your project (IIRC we are all supposed to start calling them 
projects not tenants...) and you can then associate the IP with a port 
belonging to another instance.

rick jones

> I've been trying some nova and neturon cmd's but without success.
> Here is an example of error:
> root@opst-ctrl1-dev:/# nova floating-ip-associate 
> c8443770-276e-44ce-b79d-32965db9465b IP
> ERROR (NotFound): floating ip not found (HTTP 404) (Request-ID:
> req-1ed31433-2cc3-4e36-ad4c-fc992518baae)
> nova floating-ip-pool-list
> works fine, and I can see 6 differnt floating ip pools.
> It would be nice, if someone can post a cmd procedure for this.
> Best regards
> Yngvi
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