Hi Amrith Kummar. I have installed Trove follow guide of Tesora and I have
few problem:

-          I don’t understand question of Tesora: “Nova admin user for Trove
operations - Nova user? [admin]”, assume I choose “admin” then complete I
cant access Dashbroad  of OpenStack. I install other project follow doc of
OpenStack. Please can you solve this problems

From: Amrith Kumar [mailto:amr...@tesora.com] 
Sent: 10 Tháng Mười 2015 11:29 PM
To: Hoài Nam <namptit...@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: [Openstack] [ Trove in OpenStack ]



-------- Original message --------
From: Hoài Nam <namptit...@gmail.com <mailto:namptit...@gmail.com> > 
Date: 10/10/2015 12:11 PM (GMT-05:00) 
To: Amrith Kumar <amr...@tesora.com <mailto:amr...@tesora.com> > 
Subject: RE: [Openstack] [ Trove in OpenStack ] 

Ohh. Big thanks Amrith Kumar
I have seen video intall Trove of Tesora, i see it very good. Tomorrow I
will install follow Tesora. If I have problem, can I send message to you ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Amrith Kumar [mailto:amr...@tesora.com] 
Sent: 09 Tháng Mười 2015 7:45 PM
To: Hoài Nam <namptit...@gmail.com <mailto:namptit...@gmail.com> >;
openstack@lists.openstack.org <mailto:openstack@lists.openstack.org> 
Subject: RE: [Openstack] [ Trove in OpenStack ]

There are several sources of information including .


The #openstack-trove IRC channel is another resource, stop by and you'll
find a number of people who can give you a hand.

Distribution providers also have their own documentation, as does Tesora
(full disclosure, I work for Tesora).

Thanks, hope that helps.


Amrith Kumar, CTO                   
Tesora, Inc
amr...@tesora.com <mailto:amr...@tesora.com> 

From: Hoài Nam [mailto:namptit...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2015 5:09 AM
To: openstack@lists.openstack.org <mailto:openstack@lists.openstack.org> 
Subject: [Openstack] [ Trove in OpenStack ]

Hi everyone. I am reseaching project Trove in OpenStack . Now I want to set
up Trove at Killo but i can't find any guide  for setting up Trove. Please
send me if you have one. Thanks in advance. Here is my email:
namptit...@gmail.com <mailto:namptit...@gmail.com> 

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