Hi Silvia,

Look for logs in screen folder and specifically screen-n-cpu.log, or you
just upload the same file, will tell you accordingly the cause of error.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 2:15 PM, Jamal Arif <jam...@plumgrid.com> wrote:

> Silvia,
> Sorry about that. I missed that.
> If you have installed devstack, then you can use the screen sessions for
> checking the logs. Following is a link which provides the different
> commands for accessing screen sessions and the short cuts to access it.
> http://www.rushiagr.com/blog/2013/06/05/linux-screens-in-devstack/
> Thanks
> Jamal
> On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 1:20 AM, Silvia Fichera <fichera....@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Jamal,
>> as I already told previously I don't have nor nova nor neutron in
>> /var/log because I have Installed openstack using devstack.
>> I will look for errors in /opt/stack/logs and, if I find somthing I will
>> post it.
>> Thanks
>> 2015-06-22 10:16 GMT+02:00 Jamal Arif <jam...@plumgrid.com>:
>>> ​You can check in two places.
>>>    - On Controller:
>>> Check for neutron server logs in
>>> /var/log/neutron/​
>>> Check for Nova schedular etc in
>>> /var/log/nova/
>>>    - On Compute Hosts:
>>> Check for Nova Compute logs in
>>> /var/log/nova/nova-compute.log
>>> There can be multiple reasons for this error starting from nova
>>> scheduler unable to schedule them to virt-type being different in the
>>> nova.conf. Please check the logs and share the error logs if you are able
>>> to find them.
>>> Thanks
>>> Jamal.
>>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 12:14 AM, Silvia Fichera <fichera....@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Good morning.
>>>> As I told I can't find the folder /var/log/nova.
>>>> So which log should I check?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> 2015-06-19 16:23 GMT+02:00 Salvatore Orlando <sorla...@nicira.com>:
>>>>> I would check for errors in the nova compute logs.
>>>>> In some cases I had the same error, but the actual root cause was that
>>>>> the nova compute log was failing to setup networking for an instance. The
>>>>> request went back to the scheduler, which selected another compute node,
>>>>> but failed in the same way while setting up networking, and so on until
>>>>> failure.
>>>>> Salvatore
>>>>> On 19 June 2015 at 14:50, Silvia Fichera <fichera....@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all, I have 4 VMs in a server, managed by ESXi. One of these
>>>>>> perform as OVS, one is the Openstack controller and the other two are the
>>>>>> compute hosts. Yesterday I set up Openstack via devstack with 
>>>>>> Opendaylight
>>>>>> integration for VTN. There was some issue in the VTN configuration but I
>>>>>> was able to create the instances. This morning I tryed again to launch 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> instances before facing the other problems and there was this error:
>>>>>> Error: Failed to launch instance "inst": Please try again later
>>>>>> [Error: No valid host was found. Exceeded max scheduling attempts 3 for
>>>>>> instance a12ab017-396a-46d0-9749-011b829c6273. Last exception: 
>>>>>> [u'Traceback
>>>>>> (most recent call last):\n', u' File
>>>>>> "/opt/stack/nova/nova/compute/manager.py", line 2081, in
>>>>>> _do_build_and_run_in].
>>>>>> My VMs have the maximun availability of memory and CPU (the same as
>>>>>> yesterday). I tryed with a tiny flavour but there is the same error. 
>>>>>> When I
>>>>>> do: nova-manage service list in my controller node I have this output:
>>>>>> Binary Host Zone Status State Updated_At
>>>>>> nova-conductor devstack1 internal enabled :-) 2015-06-19 12:45:16
>>>>>> nova-compute devstack1 nova enabled :-) 2015-06-19 12:45:08
>>>>>> nova-cert devstack1 internal enabled :-) 2015-06-19 12:45:10
>>>>>> nova-scheduler devstack1 internal enabled :-) 2015-06-19 12:45:10
>>>>>> nova-consoleauth devstack1 internal enabled :-) 2015-06-19 12:45:14
>>>>>> nova-compute devstack2 nova enabled :-) 2015-06-19 12:45:10
>>>>>> nova-compute devstack3 nova enabled :-) 2015-06-19 12:45:11
>>>>>> (all smiling!!)
>>>>>> I have also read to check the file /var/log/nova/nova.log (if I'm not
>>>>>> wrong), but I can't find the directory nova inside /var/log
>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Silvia Fichera
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>>>> --
>>>> Silvia Fichera
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>> --
>> Silvia Fichera
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