Thanks for your valuable suggestions. Problem was solved. OS image I was
booting to launch openstack instance, was corrupted.

After installing fresh OS image, everything is working perfectly fine.

But I didn't understand its connection with centos update.:)

On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 5:55 PM, Amrith Kumar <> wrote:

>  This typically means that the Nova scheduler could not find a host on
> which to launch an instance. Take a look at the various nova logs
> (scheduler or compute) and you'll find more details of the failure there.
> If you can share that with the list, I'm sure we can help you!
> -amrith
> *From:* Vedsar Kushwaha []
> *Sent:* Sunday, May 03, 2015 5:16 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [Openstack] No valid host found
> I was using JUNO on Centos7.
> Everything was running perfectly fine. I did centos update.
> After that I'm getting this error "No valid host found".
> nova-services are running. All compute nodes are also connected with each
> other.
> How should I solve this problem?
> --
> Vedsar Kushwaha
> M.Tech-Computational Science
> Indian Institute of Science

Vedsar Kushwaha
M.Tech-Computational Science
Indian Institute of Science
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