What about the scalability aspect of it in the following use case say  "Few of 
the containers are already having a high resource usage and you want to deploy 
another set of containers to start task sharing".

How can someone go about synchronizing the resource usage b/w Docker and Open 
stack VM's.

The benefit which I thought with using open stack for deploying docker instead 
of "Mesos+Marathon+Docker" was that open stack would take care of all the 
scalability and elasticity you need via HEAT.
But now I think that may not be possible. Please correct me if I am wrong.


-----Original Message-----
From: Johnson MDevadoss [mailto:johnson.mdevad...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 3:35 AM
To: Frans Thamura
Cc: openstack@lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [Openstack] docker in openstack

I am not sure if you are looking to implement a private cloud but If you are 
looking for a scalable solution then I would recommend Mesos + Marathon + 
Docker and these are the really powerful combination to power a private cloud.

Mesosphere and Openstack are really solving different problems and, in fact, 
they can work together. You can run Mesos on top of a OpenStack system and get 
benefits like better utilization and fault tolerance.

OpenStack is built around the idea of provisioning virtual servers, and it does 
provide some nice hardware abstraction for doing that. But you are very much 
stuck provisioning clusters of VMs and inside those VMs, your problems are the 
same as before. You still require an Operating System, some kind of config 
management like Puppet, Chef, Salt, Ansible and have to maintain individual 
hosts. Containerization is a somewhat of an afterthought. There is a Docker 
Nova driver but I would argue that most people using OpenStack create VMs not 
containers and they use it more like they would use AWS.

> On Mar 23, 2015, at 9:32 AM, Frans Thamura <fr...@meruvian.org> wrote:
> i come to this issue because still cannot find a standalone vm that
> can run in my standalone pc and deploy in openstack
> but i can see docker may be the answer.
> F
> --
> Frans Thamura (曽志胜)
> Java Champion
> Shadow Master and Lead Investor
> Meruvian.
> Integrated Hypermedia Java Solution Provider.
> Mobile: +628557888699
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> Website: http://www.meruvian.org
> "We grow because we share the same belief."
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 4:00 PM, Fabrizio Soppelsa
> <fsoppe...@mirantis.com> wrote:
>> On 03/22/2015 06:31 PM, Frans Thamura wrote:
>>> hi all
>>> any idea to make openstack work with docker
>> Hi Frans, as Dariusz already answered, you can substitute the Nova
>> drivers to work with Docker containers and not with virtualisation.
>> So, when `nova boot`s, you will end up with containers instead than
>> VMs on the compute nodes.
>> Also, if you want some fancy UI and run the OpenStack applications
>> catalog in conjunction with Docker, consider using Murano:
>> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-November/0497
>> 41.html
>> HTH,
>> Fabrizio
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