
Please help me on this, I have committed a blueprint on openstack.

Done some changes in horizon code. I am getting the error from Jenkins.

Please help me on this

Below is the error I m getting from jenkins

venv create: /home/jenkins/workspace/gate-horizon-selenium/.tox/venv
2014-11-27 11:13:29.117 | venv installdeps: 
2014-11-27 11:14:33.767 | venv develop-inst: 
2014-11-27 11:14:43.845 | venv runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='0'
2014-11-27 11:14:43.845 | venv runtests: commands[0] | ../../../../bin/bash 
run_tests.sh -N --only-selenium
2014-11-27 11:14:43.845 | WARNING:test command found but not installed in 
2014-11-27 11:14:43.845 |   cmd: /bin/bash
2014-11-27 11:14:43.846 |   env: 
2014-11-27 11:14:43.846 | Maybe forgot to specify a dependency?
2014-11-27 11:14:46.526 | Running Horizon application tests
2014-11-27 11:14:48.371 |
2014-11-27 11:17:26.141 | 
2014-11-27 11:17:26.141 | 
2014-11-27 11:17:26.142 | ERROR: test 
2014-11-27 11:17:26.142 | 
2014-11-27 11:17:26.143 | Traceback (most recent call last):
2014-11-27 11:17:26.143 |   File 
"/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-horizon-selenium/horizon/test/helpers.py", line 
287, in test
2014-11-27 11:17:26.143 |     self.run_jasmine()
2014-11-27 11:17:26.143 |   File 
"/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-horizon-selenium/horizon/test/helpers.py", line 
271, in run_jasmine
2014-11-27 11:17:26.143 |     wait.until(jasmine_done)
2014-11-27 11:17:26.144 |   File 
 line 71, in until
2014-11-27 11:17:26.144 |     raise TimeoutException(message)
2014-11-27 11:17:26.144 | TimeoutException: Message:
2014-11-27 11:17:26.144 |
2014-11-27 11:17:26.144 |
2014-11-27 11:17:26.175 | Slowest 5 tests took 135.09 secs:
2014-11-27 11:17:26.176 | [31m    122.90    ServicesTests.test[0m
2014-11-27 11:17:26.176 | [31m    3.27    
2014-11-27 11:17:26.177 | [31m    3.19    
2014-11-27 11:17:26.177 | [31m    3.00    
2014-11-27 11:17:26.177 | [31m    2.73    
2014-11-27 11:17:26.178 | 
2014-11-27 11:17:26.178 | Ran 141 tests in 157.765s
2014-11-27 11:17:26.178 |
2014-11-27 11:17:26.179 | FAILED (SKIP=133, errors=1)
2014-11-27 11:17:26.179 | nosetests horizon --nocapture --nologcapture 
--exclude-dir=horizon/conf/ --exclude-dir=horizon/test/customization 
--cover-package=horizon --cover-inclusive --all-modules 
--exclude-dir=openstack_dashboard/test/integration_tests --verbosity=1
2014-11-27 11:17:26.179 | Creating test database for alias 'default'...
2014-11-27 11:17:26.180 | Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
2014-11-27 11:17:26.197 | Running openstack_dashboard tests
2014-11-27 11:17:29.474 | WARNING:root:No local_settings file found.

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