
first of all the syntax of the command you are using is wrong, right way to
use multiple parameters in one argument would be

--parameters flavor_1=some_flavor_1_name;flavor2=some_flavor_2_name;...

or you can use it multiple times

--parameters flavor_1=some_flavor_1_name --parameters

Then, if your template defines say 2 server resources with parameters
section as given in your snippet (I get that you use HOT yaml templates),
each of them referencing its own flavor parameter like

    type: OS::Nova::Server
      flavor: { get_param: flavor_1 }
    type: OS::Nova::Server
      flavor: { get_param: flavor_2 }

everything should work.

BTW, what is the Heat / OpenStack version you are using?

Best regards,
Pavlo Shchelokovskyy.

On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 3:58 PM, Michelakis, Spiros (NSN - GR/Athens) <
spiros.michela...@nsn.com> wrote:

>  Hi,
> The command I’m running the following heat command:
> heat *stack-create mystack --template-file ~/templates/my.yaml
> –parameters
> "key_name":"security_key","image_name":"my_image_name","cluster_identification":"tenant1","disk_config_size":"1","disk_mstate_size":"1","disk_log_size":"1","disk_services_size":"1","flavor_1":"small_flavor_1_name","flavor_2":"small_flavor_2_name"}*
>  and this is the part of template that refers to that parameters:
> parameters:
>   key_name:
>     type: string
>     description: Name of keypair to assign to servers
>   image_name:
>     type: string
>     description: Name of image to use for servers
>   cluster_identification:
>     description: Cluster identification.
>     type: string
>     default: test
>   flavor_1:
>     type: string
>     description: Flavor to use for servers
>     default: small_flavor_1
>   flavor_2:
>     type: string
>     description: Flavor to use for servers
>     default: small_flavor_2
> Because I’m working on a proprietary product I cannot provide you with the
> exact template file…. L sorry about that… L
> My question is general:
> Can I run the stack-create command ( as it is explained in the manuals:
> http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/content/heat-stack-create.html) for
> more than 1 flavors? And how? Meaning, can I specify to this command a way
> to declare different flavors assigned to let’s say 2 instances?
> Br
> -SM-
> *From:* ext Pavlo Shchelokovskyy [mailto:pshchelokovs...@mirantis.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 23, 2014 1:29 PM
> *To:* openstack@lists.openstack.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Openstack] Can I use more than one flavors on the heat
> create-stack command?
> Hi,
> could you please post the exact template and the exact command to create
> the stack from this template you were using when you got this error? It
> would really help to understand the problem better.
> Best regards,
> Pavlo Shchelokovskyy.
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 12:08 PM, Michelakis, Spiros (NSN - GR/Athens) <
> spiros.michela...@nsn.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m trying to create a stack by using heat templates. I’m using this
> command, as it is described in OSR manual:
> *stack-create mystack --template-file
> /PATH_TO_HEAT_TEMPLATES/WordPress_Single_Instance.template --parameters
> "InstanceType=m1.large;DBUsername=USERNAME;DBPassword=PASSWORD;KeyName=HEAT_KEY;LinuxDistribution=F17"*
> when I try to run this command having the same flavor for all my
> instances, it works fine. The problem raises when I want to create 2 or
> more instances with different flavors on each one of them.
> I’m using these parameters on the “–parameters” field on the above command:
> *{"key_name":"security_key","image_name":"my_image_name","cluster_identification":"<tenant_name>","disk_config_size":"1","disk_mstate_size":"1","disk_log_size":"1","disk_services_size":"1","flavor_1":"small_flavor_1_name","flavor_2":"small_flavor_2_name"}*
> The error that raises when I’m trying to execute this command is:
> *“error: NegativeStateReached: Object
> "id:c2dda18d-9019-4e9c-8514-245650e4b201
> name:ng-ci-20141020-184706-heat_name" negative state
> "stack_status":"CREATE_FAILED" reached (Resource CREATE failed: Error:
> Creation of server 2 failed.)”*
> I have checked logs under /var/log/messages and /var/log/nova/scheduler.log
> without any findings.
> My questions:
> 1.     Is there any restriction on the “–parameters” field of the above
> command that prevents from running this command for more than one flavors
> in this command?
> 2.     I have read in a forum that in order to implement this, we have to
> specify an availability zone other than the default one (nova AZ) including
> the instances we want to use on the –parameters field. Is this true? I
> cannot find any “logical explanation” behind that thought….. How the
> existence of an AZ would affect the execution of this command?
> I would appreciate if you could provide me with any kind of tip or
> solution for this issue.
> Thank you in advance for your support.
> BR,
> Michelakis Spyros
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