
In Horizon dashboard, under Admin-> System Info we have service lists for
Compute and Block Storage. I have filed a blueprint to populate the Swift
services there.
But while going through the implementation details of Compute Services and
Block Storage Services i got to know that the details there is populated
through api calls to python-novaclient and python-cinderclient respectively
which in turn uses "nova service-list" and "cinder service-list" to return
the details.

Whereas no such method is implemented in python-swiftclient to get the list
of services.

So my question is,

1) Do we have plans to include "swift service-list" in swiftclient ?
If yes then I would be filing a blueprint in python-swiftclient to
implement the same coz I require it to populate under the Admin -> System
Info -> Object Storage Services.

2) Is there any other way through which I can get the details of the swift
services (s-proxy, s-account, s-container, s-object) .

As a side note I can also see it has also not been implemented in some
other services like glance and heat. Is it a design decision or the feature
has not been simply impemented.


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Thanks and Regards

Ashish Chandra
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