With command “glance image-create", user can specify the “container-format” 
when creating an image:

stack@Controller:~/devstack$ glance help image-create

usage: glance image-create [--id <IMAGE_ID>] [--name <NAME>] [--store <STORE>]

                           [--disk-format <DISK_FORMAT>]

                           [--container-format <CONTAINER_FORMAT>]

                           [--owner <TENANT_ID>] [--size <SIZE>]

                           [--min-disk <DISK_GB>] [--min-ram <DISK_RAM>]

                           [--location <IMAGE_URL>] [--file <FILE>]

                           [--checksum <CHECKSUM>] [--copy-from <IMAGE_URL>]

                           [--is-public {True,False}]

                           [--is-protected {True,False}]

                           [--property <key=value>] [--human-readable]


Create a new image.

Optional arguments:

  --id <IMAGE_ID>       ID of image to reserve.

  --name <NAME>         Name of image.

  --store <STORE>       Store to upload image to.

  --disk-format <DISK_FORMAT>

                        Disk format of image. Acceptable formats: ami, ari,

                        aki, vhd, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi, and iso.

  --container-format <CONTAINER_FORMAT>

                        Container format of image. Acceptable formats: ami,

                        ari, aki, bare, and ovf.

Where is this option in Horizon?


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