So, here is the direction we are going:
Federation allows us to remove the need to have a Backend LDAP driver at
all. Instead, we at Red Hat are planning on build solutions around
using mod_identity_lookup and sssd. The Keystone server machine will be
configured with LDAP PAM and nsswitch modules that allow the basic
native library calls to work for things like getpwnam etc. The end
effect will be that there are no users "in" the Keystone backend, merely
the mappings from the environment variables REMOTE_USER and
REMOTE_USER_GROUPS to userid/username and groupid. I'm still in the
proof of concept stage with this, but should have a workable solution
midway through the Juno design cycle.
There are a couple features we need to make this a viable solution to
your problem:
1. The ability to scope the Federated mapping to the appropriate
domain. This requires a degree of "higher power" interaction so that
domain admins cannot steal eacho others data, especially userids.
2. The ability to pass groups directly through to the keystone server
from attributes. THe current implementation requires an explicit
mapping from REMOTE_USER_GROUPS to a group as defined in the Identity
Long term, I would expect to have the service users specified in
Keystone in their own domain that is explicitly in Keystone, and all
other users specified via the Federated APIs, and ephemeral to Keystone
On 05/01/2014 07:48 PM, Adam Young wrote:
On 05/01/2014 06:17 PM, Lillie Ross-CDSR11 wrote:
I've been playing with using LDAP authentication (identity) and SQL
authorization (assignment) within Keystone in the current devstack
release running in a single VM.
The problem with this setup, as I understand it, is the need to have
LDAP entries for each service user (i.e. nova, glance, etc.). In our
environment, this isn't possible as our corporate LDAP directory is
solely for employee records. While I could work around this issue by
running each service under a known LDAP employee record - this seems
rather a kludge to me.
My question is, and admittedly I'm not well versed in directory
federation, is this an issue that could be resolved once directory
federation is stable in the next Openstack release? Where, for
instance, all of the openstack service accounts could remain in a
separate directory service controlled solely by the cloud
owner/admin, while user's could then be authenticated via the
corporate employee LDAP database?
We'd love to use LDAP to authenticate cloud user's, but with the need
to also authenticate openstack services against the same LDAP backend
makes the use of LDAP unviable in our environment.
We have no solution for that under Icehouse. This topic is one of the
high priorities for the Keytone team at the Icehouse summit.
This has probably been discussed previously, but any insight would be
Thanks and regards,
Ross Lillie
Distinguished Member of Technical Staff
Motorola Solutions, Inc. <>
O: +1.847.576.0012
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