On 26/03/14 22:30, Li, Chen wrote:
I have been told that " Unknown resource Type : OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup "
is caused by this type of resource is not support in Havana.
So I changed to use template file:
Which is old enough for Havana to work.
Also, I download image: http://cloud.fedoraproject.org/fedora-20.x86_64.qcow2
Then I run command:
heat stack-create mystack --template-file=WordPress_Native.yaml
But still, the stack is failed:
heat stack-show mystack
| Property | Value
| capabilities | []
| creation_time | 2014-03-27T02:20:32Z
| description | Heat WordPress template to support F20, using only Heat
| | OpenStack-native resource types, and without the
| | requirement for heat-cfntools in the image. WordPress
| | is web software you can use to create a beautiful
| | website or blog. This template installs a single-
| | instance WordPress deployment using a local MySQL
| | database to store the data.
| disable_rollback | True
| id | d25d4101-1b33-432d-a65f-0c3a7afdd679
| links |
| notification_topics | []
| parameters | {
| | "instance_type": "m1.small",
| | "db_password": "******",
| | "AWS::StackName": "mystack",
| | "image_id": "Fedora-x86_64-20-20131211.1-sda",
| | "AWS::StackId":
| | "db_name": "testheat",
| | "db_username": "******",
| | "db_root_password": "******",
| | "AWS::Region": "ap-southeast-1",
| | "key_name": "key_b-compute04"
| | }
| stack_name | mystack
| stack_status | CREATE_FAILED
| stack_status_reason | Resource create failed: BadRequest: Multiple possible
| | networks found, use a Network ID to be more specific.
| | (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-
| | dc723c8a-4977-4df0-86a6-9465b83d488b)
| template_description | Heat WordPress template to support F20, using only Heat
| | OpenStack-native resource types, and without the
| | requirement for heat-cfntools in the image. WordPress
| | is web software you can use to create a beautiful
| | website or blog. This template installs a single-
| | instance WordPress deployment using a local MySQL
| | database to store the data.
| timeout_mins | 60
| updated_time | 2014-03-27T02:20:33Z
What should I do next ???
This has been asked a few times on ask.openstack.org, but I just noticed
that none of the answers are completely comprehensive so I just added a
new one that should explain what you need to know:
Feel free to comment there if you have further questions related to that
(If you have new questions, ask.openstack.org is a great place to ask
them as well, because other people can find them later, whereas mailing
list posts tend to be hard to find.)
-----Original Message-----
From: Li, Chen [mailto:chen...@intel.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 3:14 PM
To: openstack@lists.openstack.org
Subject: [Openstack] [Heat]ERROR: Unknown resource Type :
Hi all,
I'm a new user of heat.
Just installed on CentOS 6.4 followed by:
The packages I'm using:
yum list installed |grep -A1 heat
openstack-heat-api.noarch 2013.2.2-1.0.el6
openstack-heat-common.noarch 2013.2.2-1.0.el6
openstack-heat-engine.noarch 2013.2.2-1.0.el6
python-heatclient.noarch 0.2.6-2.el6 @openstack-havana
I copied template file from
I didn't use "hello_world.yaml", because I have no knowledge of AWS...
Then, I try to run heat command:
heat stack-create mystack
And I get error :
ERROR: Unknown resource Type : OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup
Anyone know why this happened ???
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