Hi Ben,

1. What's the Swift CLI version are you using for now ?
2. The $>swift stat -v suppose to show you the storage_url. -v means
3. There's another choice via curl

~IRON_MAN$>curl -i https://$FQDN_of_AUTH_SERVER/auth/v1.0 -H
"X-auth-user:johndoe" -H "x-auth-key:password_of_john"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Storage-Url: https://swift.example.com/v1/AUTH_johndoe
X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk0f4473fa1234567890
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Set-Cookie: X-Auth-Token=AUTH_tk0f4473fa1234567890; Path=/
X-Storage-Token: AUTH_tk0f4473fa1234567890
Content-Length: 0
X-Trans-Id: txcfefd5396a0f4f4694707-0053217efd

And then you can send a GET to https://swift.example.com/info

$> curl https://cloud.swiftstack.com/info

One more information here, the /info was available since Swift 1.11.0

2014-03-13 14:41 GMT+08:00 Ben McCann <b...@benmccann.com>:

> Thanks Samuel. That's super helpful. I didn't realize that SLO could be
> turned on/off on the server. I thought it was merely a client-side
> convention.
> swift stat doesn't return a StorageUrl for me. It just returns:
>        Account:
>     Containers:
>        Objects:
>          Bytes:
>    Meta Cdn-Id:
>    Meta Nas-Id:
>    X-Timestamp:
>     X-Trans-Id:
>  Accept-Ranges:
> I'll see if I can find out from someone at SoftLayer whether they have an
> old version or have large objects turned off unless you can think of any
> other ways I might be able to find out by querying the server.
> Thanks,
> Ben
> On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 11:09 PM, Samuel Merritt <s...@swiftstack.com>wrote:
>> On 3/12/14 9:14 PM, Ben McCann wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm attempting to download a large file which I have uploaded to
>>> SoftLayer Object Storage using the swift tool. It's downloading only the
>>> manifest and is not downloading the segments. Any tips on figuring out
>>> what is going wrong?
>> It's entirely possible that the cluster in question lacks static large
>> object support. Maybe they're running an old version of Swift
>> (pre-1.8.0/Grizzly), or maybe they haven't enabled the static large object
>> feature.
>> What you'll need to do is probe the cluster to see if static large
>> objects are enabled.
>> The easy way is to politely ask the cluster with a GET request to /info.
>> Run `swift stat -v`, then take the "StorageURL" field and change the path
>> to be just "/info". Strip off any path that's already there.
>> For example, if the output looks like
>>     StorageURL:
>>     Auth Token: AUTH_tk89454677b67348e09eefc1d6fe4dfa68
>>        Account: AUTH_test
>>     Containers: 1
>>     [...]
>> then you'd simply run
>>     curl
>> The response will be a JSON hash, so maybe run it through a JSON
>> pretty-printer, e.g.
>>     curl | python -mjson.tool
>> On my development machine, the response looks something like this (some
>> items removed for brevity):
>> {
>>     "container_quotas": {},
>>     "formpost": {},
>>     "slo": {                   <---- LOOK FOR THIS
>>         "max_manifest_segments": 1000,
>>         "max_manifest_size": 2097152,
>>         "min_segment_size": 71
>>     },
>>     "swift": {
>>         "account_listing_limit": 10000,
>>         "container_listing_limit": 10000,
>>         "max_account_name_length": 256,
>>         "max_container_name_length": 256,
>>         "max_file_size": 5368709122,
>>         "max_meta_count": 90,
>>         "max_meta_name_length": 128,
>>         "max_meta_value_length": 256,
>>         "max_object_name_length": 1024,
>>         "version": ""
>>     }
>> }
>> If you don't see SLO in there, then you're out of luck. Bug Softlayer and
>> see if they'll turn it on.
>> Now, it's also possible that you'll get a 412 response with the body "Bad
>> URL" when you run the curl command above. That will tell you that the
>> cluster is running 1.11.0 or earlier, but it won't tell you anything about
>> SLO support. In that case, try uploading a normal file (cat picture or
>> something) with the header "X-Static-Large-Object: yes". If that succeeds,
>> then SLO is disabled; if SLO is enabled, then the PUT will fail.
>> A more verbose description is available here:
>> https://ask.openstack.org/en/question/7005/static-large-objects/
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