Hi all,

I'm experimenting to config one l3 agent for each l3 router.

I'm running Havana with neutron + OVS with GRE.

AFAIK when using virtual tenant network as fixed ip, when vm access the
internet, all traffic will go through l3 agent/router (NAT), then to
gateway. If floating ip is used, when outside world access floating ip, it
will also go through the l3 agent.

So in order to make l3 router scalable, I'm thinking about running multiple
agent on different host, each l3 agent only serve for one l3 router.

Here is the current network:

         |                       |
      router1 (l3-agent1)     router2 (l3-agent2)
         |               |
        net1            net2
         |             |
      subnet1               subnet2

(graph only work for monospace font)

I started two l3 agents on two nodes. In l3_agent.ini, I set one l3 agent's
handle_internal_only_routers to False, I config router_id to be ids of the
routers. And neutron agent-list show both l3 agents are up.

Now when I boot instance with a port in subnet2, the traffic still go
the server that runs l3-agent1.

My question is: is this kind of network supported by neutron? Does the
router_id config means the l3 agent will manage that router only? The only
document mention its use is when use_namespace is False. In my case, I have
set to True.

Side note: there is a question on
https://answers.launchpad.net/neutron/+question/236230 which says it's
possible to change router's l3 agent, but did not mention how.

Any help is appreciated.

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