Seems like qemu doesn't have the privileges to read /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on
From: Arindam Choudhury [] Sent: 04 March 2014 15:15 To: Parthipan, Loganathan; Subject: RE: [Openstack] Error mounting disk with libguestfs (child process died unexpectedly) Hi, both /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/kvm/enable is 1. The logs are: libvirtd-debug<> (sorry for lots of garbage in this file) /var/log/messages<> instance.log<> After disabling tracing_on and tracing kvm events, it gave the same error. Regards, Arindam ________________________________ From: To: Subject: RE: [Openstack] Error mounting disk with libguestfs (child process died unexpectedly) Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 14:07:31 +0000 If you can that'll be great. Thanks. Also what's in /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/kvm/enable Try running after echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on If there's no improvement try - although I don't know what it really does (I need to read the code) echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/kvm/enable I'm just wondering if it's due to some permission/ACL issues when trying to write into debugfs using ftrace, given your observation on different tracing backends. Thanks for reporting and spending time on this. Cheers ~parthi From: Arindam Choudhury [] Sent: 04 March 2014 13:27 To: Parthipan, Loganathan Subject: RE: [Openstack] Error mounting disk with libguestfs (child process died unexpectedly) Hi, Its a multi-node deployment with nova-network. If you want I can recreate the error and send you the logs. Regards, ________________________________ From: To: Subject: RE: [Openstack] Error mounting disk with libguestfs (child process died unexpectedly) Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 13:21:24 +0000 Interesting... Is it a single node deployment? Do you have any other log data such as libvirt_debug.log, libvirt/qemu/instance-xxxx.log? Any errors/warnings during the time of instance creation in syslog? From: Arindam Choudhury [] Sent: 04 March 2014 12:56 To: Parthipan, Loganathan Subject: RE: [Openstack] Error mounting disk with libguestfs (child process died unexpectedly) it only happens when I enable --enable-trace-backend=ftrace with --enable-trace-backend=simple works fine. ________________________________ From: To: Subject: RE: [Openstack] Error mounting disk with libguestfs (child process died unexpectedly) Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 12:33:55 +0000 Also check if it's a cgroups issue since the binary location changed. You could look at the syslog and kern.log From: Parthipan, Loganathan Sent: 04 March 2014 12:15 To: 'Arindam Choudhury'; Subject: RE: [Openstack] Error mounting disk with libguestfs (child process died unexpectedly) Reading your log, I don't think the problem is due to injection failure at libguestfs. It's a warning and is ignored. Seems more like a network setup issue. Are you using neutron? Is the network/subnet etc setup properly? From: Arindam Choudhury [] Sent: 04 March 2014 11:50 To: Parthipan, Loganathan; Subject: RE: [Openstack] Error mounting disk with libguestfs (child process died unexpectedly) Hi Parthipan, When I try to do yum remove python-libguestfs. It also wants to remove openstack-nova-compute. So, I can not. Regards, Arindam ________________________________ From: To:; Subject: RE: [Openstack] Error mounting disk with libguestfs (child process died unexpectedly) Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 11:23:50 +0000 Arindam, What happens if you 'apt-get remove python-guestfs' and try? I'd expect it to fallback to nbdmount. From: Arindam Choudhury [] Sent: 04 March 2014 10:40 To: Subject: [Openstack] Error mounting disk with libguestfs (child process died unexpectedly) Hi, I have a working Openstack Grizzly setup with nova-network on Scientific Linux. As, SL comes with a old qemu: qemu-kvm- I am trying to upgrade it to qemu-1.7.0 from source. The configuration output<>. As, openstack use /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm to start up VM, i linked qemu-kvm to qemu-system-x86_64: ls -l /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33 Feb 19 15:25 /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -> /usr/local/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 But when I try to start VM, I get following error: WARNING nova.virt.disk.api [req-7dfd6cf1-db21-403d-abbf-ccb5f0273a6a b829b65d0675416198f9e4838b5009e2 9a2e060772204260b53b52ea1c12db97] Ignoring error injecting data into image (Error mounting /var/lib/nova/instances/07c0898e-7d75-448d-b4fe-2c37f681b846/disk with libguestfs (child process died unexpectedly)) The full error log is here<>. Output of libguestfs-test-tool is here<>. Regards,
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