Dear Openstack experts,
Recently, I upgraded Openstack from Grizzy to Havana(2013.2-2, from RDO
Everything is running pretty well excepting ec2api.
I noticed that ec2api will suffer heavy load and respond slowly with some particular ec2 requests(RunInstances), for instance:

2014-01-10 09:11:45.072 129745 INFO nova.ec2.wsgi.server
0c6e7dba03c24c6a9bce299747499e8a 7052bd6714e7460caeb16242e68124f9] "GET
HTTP/1.1" status: 200 len: 1109 time: 138.5970151

It took over 2 minutes to process this request, but in my another co-existing Grizzy instance(the same hardware and system configuration), it doesn't have such problem.

2014-01-08 11:15:15.704 INFO nova.ec2.wsgi.server
ebbd729575cb404081a45c9ada0849b7 8175953c209044358ab5e0ec19d52c37] "GET
HTTP/1.1" status: 200 len: 931 time: 3.9426181

Besides, the it seems to me that the ec2api will not release memory(or it doesn't manage that in good way..) properly while processing such requests, so, if it gets many requests, the memory usage will be growing pretty fast until all system memory is consumed and goes to swap, then entire system will be running like hell until I restart nova-api (I have 48GB memory, and it can eat all of them in minutes). So, I am wondering what changes are made for ec2api in Havana and is there anyway to improve this if that is not a bug?

It would be very appreciated if having any suggestion/reply for this problem.

Best regards,
Felix Lee ~

Felix Lee                               Academia Sinica Grid & Cloud.
Tel: +886-2-27898308
Office: Room P111, Institute of Physics, 128 Academia Road, Section 2,
Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan

Felix Lee                               Academia Sinica Grid & Cloud.
Tel: +886-2-27898308
Office: Room P111, Institute of Physics, 128 Academia Road, Section 2, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan

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