Can it do QinQ ?
Geraint Jones

Director of Systems & Infrastructure
M (NZ) +64 22 123 4626
M (US) +1 415 316 8027

On 16/10/13 7:20 am, "Jay Pipes" <> wrote:

>On 10/15/2013 11:03 PM, Geraint Jones wrote:
>> Hmm I am in two minds here.
>> I have an outage booked for Sat/Sun middle of the night.
>> Thing is its a tightish window and want to avoid additional reconfig if
>> possible. As I am replacing the network node at the same time.
>> I only have 7 or 8 networks I would have to change in the mysql. The
>> only place I can find any reference in the SQL side is
>> ovs_network_bindings and ovs_vlan_allocations both of which are pretty
>> simple.Š
>> I think a bash one-liner should be safe enough.
>> One further question however is assuming my computes are connected like
>> eth0
>>          } bond0.vlan40 -> br-int
>> eth1
>> Am I best to hand eth0/1 to ovs and let it do the LACP, or hand it the
>> bond0?
>Hand it the bond0.vlan40.
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