2013/10/10 Michael Basnight <mbasni...@gmail.com>

> On Oct 10, 2013, at 1:52 AM, Giuseppe Galeota wrote:
> > Hi, Michael, Hi, all,
> > there are news about the Trove's documentation?
> >
> > I and my team (Santer Reply S.p.A.) are working on the PRISMA project
> (Interoperable cloud platforms for smart-government). PRISMA is supported
> by Italian Government and European Union, and it aims to develop an Open
> Source cloud computing system to provide services on both IaaS and PaaS
> level, in order to realize a Smart Community between citizens, Governments
> and Health agencies.
> >
> > For our project, we have chosen Openstack. Furthermore, we want a
> Database as a Service in order to provide both relational and
> non-relational database instances. So, we have joined the Trove project.
> >
> > Therefore, we need of a detailed documentation about the architecture
> and operation of Trove.
> >Hey sorry, i spaced out and was working on the troveclient. I took a stab
> at the architecture, after looking at a few of the dev docs for other
> services [1]. Feel free to tell me it >and you need more/different
> information. Also, for the Trovesters out there, feel free to help make it
> a better document for everyone!

It is a good starting document to understand how Trove works.
Thank you!



> [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/TroveArchitecture
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