
In the following command to configure a provider network for grizzly L3 agent: (as documented at https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_OpenStack/3/html/Installation_and_Configuration_Guide/Configuring_a_Provider_Network1.html)

*||quantum subnet-create --gateway/|GATEWAY|/  \||*
   *||--allocation-pool start=/|IP_RANGE_START|/,end=/|IP_RANGE_END|/  \||*
   *||--disable-dhcp/|EXTERNAL_NAME|/  /|EXTERNAL_CIDR

|/||*my question is, will the router get its IP from inside [IP_RANGE_START, 
IP_RANGE_END], or the range is only used to select floating IPs ? I hope it's 
the former,
as in the same external subnet, some IPs are already assigned to other servers 
(what are not related to Openstack). If it's the latter, I may have to request a
whole new external subnet created just for the openstack cluster.


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