
The previous reply was in the wrong thread. sorry.

Jacques Landru

----- Mail original -----
De: "Jacques LANDRU" <lan...@telecom-lille.fr>
Cc: openstack@lists.openstack.org
Envoyé: Vendredi 20 Septembre 2013 15:02:45
Objet: Re: [Openstack] Savanna error


On the compute node console, with KVM/libvirt, I use "ps | grep" command

# ps -edf | grep instance-xxxx

or to list all instances

# ps -edf | grep kvm | grep vnc

If you know the libvirt domainname or domainid (*) of your instance, you can 
also use the virsh vncdisplay command
- locally on the compute-node console
              # virsh -c qemu:///system vncdisplay <domain>
- remotely
              # virsh -c qemu://compute-node-address/system vncdisplay <domain>

(*) domainname or domainid can be displayed using the "virsh list" command

Hope, this can help.

Jacques Landru

 Jacques Landru
   mel:  landru~hat~telecom-lille.fr
   tel:  +33 (0)3 2033 5556
   fax:  +33 (0)3 2033 5598

 Telecom Lille
 Cite scientifique, rue G. Marconi, BP20145
  web: http://www.telecom-lille.fr
  Tel: +33 (0)3 2033 5577 
  Fax: +33 (0)3 2033 5599 

----- Mail original -----
De: "Sagar Shimpi" <sshi...@expedia.com>
À: openstack@lists.openstack.org
Envoyé: Vendredi 20 Septembre 2013 14:05:17
Objet: [Openstack] Savanna error

Hi team 

I am using - 
Redhat 6.4 64-bit 
RDO -> rdo-release-grizzly-3.noarch 

I installed RDO grizzly on my desktop and I am able to login to the dashboard. 
Also I am able to create Vm's and login into the VM's. 

I tried to install Savanna following guidelines given on - 

I completed the steps given in - " To install into a virtual environment" 
I am able to see the "SAVANNA" tab in Openstack dashboard, but when I click the 
savanna tab I am getting error saying " Something went wrong! " 

Following are my logs - 
tail -f /var/log/keystone/keystone.log 
2013-09-20 17:22:08 WARNING [keystone.common.wsgi] Authorization failed. The 
request you have made requires authentication. from 
2013-09-20 17:22:57 WARNING [keystone.common.wsgi] Authorization failed. The 
request you have made requires authentication. from 
2013-09-20 17:23:46 WARNING [keystone.common.wsgi] Authorization failed. The 
request you have made requires authentication. from 
2013-09-20 17:24:35 WARNING [keystone.common.wsgi] Authorization failed. The 
request you have made requires authentication. from 
2013-09-20 17:26:19 WARNING [keystone.common.wsgi] Authorization failed. The 
request you have made requires authentication. from 
2013-09-20 17:27:08 WARNING [keystone.common.wsgi] Authorization failed. The 
request you have made requires authentication. from 
2013-09-20 17:27:57 WARNING [keystone.common.wsgi] Authorization failed. The 
request you have made requires authentication. from 
2013-09-20 17:28:46 WARNING [keystone.common.wsgi] Authorization failed. The 
request you have made requires authentication. from 
2013-09-20 17:29:35 WARNING [keystone.common.wsgi] Authorization failed. The 
request you have made requires authentication. from 
2013-09-20 17:30:42 WARNING [keystone.common.wsgi] Authorization failed. The 
request you have made requires authentication. from 
2013-09-20 17:31:19 WARNING [keystone.common.wsgi] Authorization failed. The 
request you have made requires authentication. from 

tail -f /var/log/savanna.log 

2013-09-20 17:32:03.721 31415 DEBUG keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token [-] 
Authenticating user token __call__ 
2013-09-20 17:32:03.721 31415 DEBUG keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token [-] 
Removing headers from request environment: 
2013-09-20 17:32:03.767 31415 WARNING keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token [-] 
Unexpected response from keystone service: {u'error': {u'message': u'The 
request you have made requires authentication.', u'code': 401, u'title': u'Not 
2013-09-20 17:32:03.767 31415 DEBUG keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token [-] 
Token validation failure. _validate_user_token 
2013-09-20 17:32:03.767 31415 TRACE keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
2013-09-20 17:32:03.767 31415 TRACE keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token File 
 line 699, in _validate_user_token 
2013-09-20 17:32:03.767 31415 TRACE keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token data = 
self.verify_uuid_token(user_token, retry) 
2013-09-20 17:32:03.767 31415 TRACE keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token File 
 line 995, in verify_uuid_token 
2013-09-20 17:32:03.767 31415 TRACE keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token 
headers = {'X-Auth-Token': self.get_admin_token()} 
2013-09-20 17:32:03.767 31415 TRACE keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token File 
 line 554, in get_admin_token 
2013-09-20 17:32:03.767 31415 TRACE keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token 
self.admin_token_expiry) = self._request_admin_token() 
2013-09-20 17:32:03.767 31415 TRACE keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token File 
 line 674, in _request_admin_token 
2013-09-20 17:32:03.767 31415 TRACE keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token raise 
ServiceError('invalid json response') 
2013-09-20 17:32:03.767 31415 TRACE keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token 
ServiceError: invalid json response 
2013-09-20 17:32:03.767 31415 TRACE keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token 
2013-09-20 17:32:03.768 31415 DEBUG keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token [-] 
Marking token bc895966e9bab6912fdb7befb4e99590 as unauthorized in memcache 
2013-09-20 17:32:03.768 31415 WARNING keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token [-] 
Authorization failed for token bc895966e9bab6912fdb7befb4e99590 
2013-09-20 17:32:03.769 31415 INFO keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token [-] 
Invalid user token - rejecting request 

[root@openstack ]# cat /root/savanna-venv/etc/savanna.conf 

# REST API config 

# Address and credentials that will be used to check auth tokens 

# When set to false, Savanna uses only internal IP of VMs. 
# When set to true, Savanna expects OpenStack to auto- 
# assign floating IPs to cluster nodes. Internal IPs will 
# be used for inter-cluster communication, while floating 
# ones will be used by Savanna to configure nodes. Also 
# floating IPs will be exposed in service URLs. 

# The suffix of the node's FQDN. In nova-network that is 
# dhcp_domain config parameter (string value) 

# List of plugins to be loaded. Savanna preserves the order of 
# the list when returning it. (list value) 




# URL for sqlalchemy database (string value) 


[root@openstack]# cat /root/keystonerc_admin 
export OS_USERNAME=admin 
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin 
export OS_PASSWORD=openstack 
export OS_AUTH_URL= 
export PS1='[\u@\h \W(keystone_admin)]\$ ' 
[root@openstack ]# 

Can you please guide me where it is gng wrong ? 

Sagar Shimpi 

Expedia India 

22nd Floor, DLF Building 5C, DLF Cyber City Phase III Gurgaon 122002, Haryana 

DDI: 0124 6170828 | Mobile: +91 8800911665 
E-mail: sshi...@expedia.com 

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