
> The openstack was running on one server in my experiment. The VolumeGroup 
> named ‘cinder-volumes‘ was comprised by a local disk partition whose name was 
> ‘/dev/sda2’.
> A volume was created in the dashboard, and I tried to attach it to a running 
> instance. However, the operation was failed.
> The exception in nova/compute.log said that the disk bus ide could not be 
> hotplugged.
> As known to all, the ide bus cannot be hotplugged to a running instance.
> It seems that the current version used the bus type ‘ide’ as the default one.
> In this case, all the volumes created in the ‘cinder-volumes’ cannot be 
> hotplugged into the running vm. You can never attach a volume to a suspend 
> instance in the dashboard. There is no choice to this in the portal.
> How can I choose the type ‘virtio’ when the volume has been attached?
> [root@localhost nova]# nova --version
> 2.13.0
> [root@localhost nova]# uname -a
> Linux localhost 3.9.4-200.fc18.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri May 24 20:10:49 UTC 2013 
> x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> [root@localhost nova]#

I had the same issue on my storage node when iet and tgt process was running at 
the same time.

For example in my cinder.conf :

iscsi_helper = etadm

So i stopped tgt service (service tgt stop) and restart iscsitarget and cinder 
services .

After that everything was ok, perhaps you should try this method.

I hope it will help you.

Yannick Foeillet

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