Hi Tim,

install upgraded version of dns-python using the command:

pip install "dnspython==1.11.0"

Pragya Jain

> From: "Snider, Tim" <tim.sni...@netapp.com>
>To: "openstack@lists.openstack.org" <openstack@lists.openstack.org> 
>Sent: Tuesday, 27 August 2013 8:20 AM
>Subject: [Openstack] [swift] complete reinstallation steps needed
>Thru a series of missteps I (apparently) have mismatched Swift related python 
>files / libraries installed on at least one node. “swift-init start main”  
>results in:
>root@swift21:~# swift-init start main
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/usr/local/bin/swift-init", line 4, in <module>
>    from pkg_resources import require; require('swift==')
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 2711, in 
>    parse_requirements(__requires__), Environment()
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 584, in 
>    raise DistributionNotFound(req)
>pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: dnspython>=1.10.0
>Python indicates I’m at…
>root@swift21:~# python -c 'import swift; print 
>The last installation commands attempted are:
>apt-get --reinstall -y install python-coverage python-dev python-nose 
>python-simplejson python-xattr python-eventlet python-greenlet 
>python-pastedeploy python-netifaces python-pip python-dnspython python-mock
>apt-get install -y --reinstall python-software-properties
>apt-get install -y --reinstall curl gcc memcached rsync sqlite3 xfsprogs 
>git-core python-setuptools
>apt-get -y --reinstalls install python-coverage python-dev python-nose 
>python-simplejson python-xattr python-eventlet python-greenlet 
>python-pastedeploy python-netifaces python-pip python-dnspython python-mock
>apt-get -y --reinstall install python-coverage python-dev python-nose 
>python-simplejson python-xattr python-eventlet python-greenlet 
>python-pastedeploy python-netifaces python-pip python-dnspython python-mock
>apt-get install --reinstall -y swift-account swift-container swift-object
>What is need to completely reinstall Swift and all related files? Any 
>advice/hints are appreciated. 
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