Hi All,

    At the last design summit in Portland, Tim Smith gave a talk about
running Windows on Openstack[1]. In case any of you missed the talk or have
some follow up questions, Tim will be hosting a webinar next Wednesday,
August 14th, 2013 at 1:00PM EDT. During the webinar Tim will touch upon the
following topics:

1. Understanding how  Windows  works  in  the  context  of  an  OpenStack
2. Methods  for  mitigating  the  “boot  storm”  incited  by  booting
large  numbers  of  Windows  VMs
3. Integrating  with  existing  Windows  networking  services,  such  as
Active  Directory

     Please register for the webinar here: http://goo.gl/xEjQE7

     I hope that some of you are interested and will be able to attend.


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