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          Need support to travel to Hong Kong? The All New OpenStack
          Travel Support Program

      What is OpenStack Core?

OpenStack Foundation board member Rob Hirschfeld
<http://robhirschfeld.com/> posted a series of short essays to spark a
discussion around defining OpenStack Core. His latest post Twelve straw
man positions to frame OpenStack “what is core” discussion
<http://robhirschfeld.com/2013/07/24/what-is-core-strawman/> moves to
the ‘What’ is core from the /how /
<http://robhirschfeld.com/2013/07/22/making-openstack-meaningful/>.  The
twelve positions have been crafted over the course of several weeks and
are constantly evolving. Next steps are to expand discussions to the
OpenStack Community for input and review at the next Board Meeting on
August 6th
  Ultimately, we need to close this issue at the next Summit

      To the first OpenStack Documentation BootCamp

The OpenStack Docs Bootcamp offers a deep dive into the technical tools,
workflows, and processes we use to create docs.openstack.org
<http://docs.openstack.org/> and api.openstack.org
<http://api.openstack.org/>. Our goal is to give enough information that
will create sustaining new core members of OpenStack Documentation. You
can register to attend through this form
More details on the OpenStack wiki

      OpenStack Hits a Triple with OpenStack on OpenStack

On the 16th July the OpenStack Technical Committee voted
<https://lists.launchpad.net/openstack/msg25222.html> to make OpenStack
Deployment <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/TripleO> an official
OpenStack Program <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Programs>. Our
mission is to “Develop and maintain tooling and infrastructure able to
deploy OpenStack in production, using OpenStack itself wherever
possible.” For the latest code and documentation visit our incubator
repository at https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-incubator. OpenStack
Deployment (TripleO) was started by HP as part of our active
contribution to OpenStack, in order to fill in core gaps in delivering
OpenStack to users.

      Openstack General List Migration

Update your filters: starting from now the OpenStack General list
openst...@lists.launchpad.net <mailto:openst...@lists.launchpad.net> has
become openstack@lists.openstack.org
<mailto:openstack@lists.openstack.org>. We have almost completed the
move of all OpenStack mailing lists to our mailman installation on
http://lists.openstack.org <http://lists.openstack.org/>. There are some
known issues still to be removed, though. Please bear with us while we
fix them. Thanks to Paul Hummer and the whole Launchpad team at
Canonical for making this migration happen.

    Tips ‘n Tricks

  * By Adam Young <http://adam.younglogic.com/>: Troubleshooting PKI
    token issues in auth_token middleware.
  * By Fabien Boucher <http://blog.fsquat.net/>: Swift ACL usage
    examples <http://blog.fsquat.net/?p=40>
  * By eNovance <http://www.enovance.com/>: How to use temporary urls
    with Swift
  * By Dan Smith <http://www.danplanet.com/blog>: A brief overview of
    Nova’s new object model (Part 3)

    Upcoming Events

  * PuppetConf
    <http://puppetconf2013.eventbrite.com/?discount=OpenStack>, August
    22, San Francisco, CA, Details
    <http://puppetconf2013.eventbrite.com/?discount=OpenStack> (20%
    discount to OpenStack community)
  * 2nd OpenStack User Group Nordics meetup
    <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-User-Group-Nordics/>Sep 11, 2013 –
    Kista, Stockholm Details
  * OpenStack on Ales <http://openstack.onales.com/> Sep 30 – Oct 01,
    2013 – Bend, OR Details <http://openstack.onales.com/>

    Reports from Previous Events

  * OpenStack test event at FLOCK — Fedora Contributor’s conference (AUG

    Other News

  * Savanna 0.2 release details and screencast
  * Open Mic Spotlight: Brian Elliott
  * Open Mic Spotlight: Chuck Thier
  * Open Mic Spotlight: Devananda van der Veen
  * Open Mic Spotlight: Pádraig Brady
  * Open Mic Spotlight: Edgar Magaña Perdomo
  * OpenStack at large in open source: Voices from OSCON 2013
  * Crowbar lays it all out: RAID & BIOS configs officially open sourced
  * OpenStack Project Technical Lead Interview Series #6: Anne Gentle,
    OpenStack Community Documentation Coordinator
  * OpenStack Project Meeting: didn’t happen this week

    Got answers?

Ask OpenStack <https://ask.openstack.org/> is the go-to destination for
OpenStack users. Interesting questions waiting for answers:

  * When creating a volume from an image, openstack always uses root
    disk space?
  * whats the difference between Policies stored in policy.json and
    policies that can be created using openstack/identity/v3/policies
  * What’s the recommended way to debug LDAP connections to Keystone?
  * How to setup security groups for IPv6 with nova-network?
  * how does quantum (network-type: vlan) configure ESX-host VMs?
  * How to configure multiple Floating IP pools?
  * how to install healthnmon on grizzly ?
  * What causes keystone to throw UnicodeEncodeError using devstack?
  * Openstack services cannot talk to RabbitMQ: Connection refused but
    log says unreachable?
  * IPv6 Support in Grizzly?
  * How to set domain name in quantum
  * ceilometer can’t get compute.instance.create.start/.end instance
  * Is sluggish performance caused by scheduler startup errors?
  * How can I have a VM mounting more than one disk image?
  * Is it possible to create multiple networks in FLATDHCP mode?
  * What’s the best guide to follow to install Openstack using Xen and

    Welcome New Developers

Is your affiliation correct? Check your profile in the OpenStack
Foundation Members Database!

  * Alistair Coles, HP
  * Thomas Leaman, HP
  * Jeff Sloyer, IBM
  * Adin Scannell, Gridcentric
  * Sirushti Murugesan, None
  * Cyril Roelandt, Enovance
  * Gabriel Wainer, HP
  * Liang Bo, 99cloud
  * Zhang Jinnan, 99cloud
  * Alexander Gorodnev, Mirantis
  * Ashley McNamara, None
  * Bill Owen, IBM
  * Jun Park, EIG/Bluehost
  * Claxton Correya, Rackspace
  * Kashi Reddy, Rackspace
  * Jon Snitow, Swiftstack
  * Sriram Madapusi Vasudevan, Rackspace
  * Sysnet, unknown
  * Anju Tiwari, None

/The weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the
various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add
content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please
leave a comment./
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