Interestingly, reran the chef-client which went through and did it's thing... 
and now it's working, confusing.

From: Openstack 
 On Behalf Of Cunningham, Richard
Sent: 17 July 2013 14:33
Subject: [Openstack] Issues after installing Quantum

Hello, I followed the guide provided by RS ( ) and when I 
got to adding Quantum\Neutron I'm plagued with errors in my Nova logs, and whenever I run a Quantum command, I get 
"[Errno 111] Connection refused" and no matter what I click whilst in Horizon I 
get an error saying "Unable to retrieve instances" or quotas etc.

I can telnet to 5672 which I believe is the RabbitMQ port successfully, 
attempted to stop ufw in case it was causing issues, but still no luck...

Any ideas on where I should be looking? Is there any way of turning verbose 
logging on RabbitMQ to see if there are connections going on?

I have env variables set up for proxy, which I've tried unsetting in case it 
was trying to hit on the proxy to access it.


Richard Cunningham

Systems Administrator
JCDecaux UK
Capital House
25 Chapel Street
London, NW1 5DH
D: 020 7298 8083
M: 078 8071 2990

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