Hong Kong Summit -- Registration, Call for Speakers & Sponsors Now Open! <http://www.openstack.org/blog/2013/06/hong-kong-summit-registration-call-for-speakers-sponsors-now-open/>
???????????????????? ???????, ???????? <http://openstacksummitnovember2013.eventbrite.com/> OpenStack Object Storage (Swift) 1.9.0 released <http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-July/011221.html> This week the team announced the latest release of OpenStack Object Storage, Swift 1.9.0. The new version added lots of major features thanks to the combined effort of 37 different contributors. Full release notes <https://github.com/openstack/swift/blob/master/CHANGELOG> and download. <https://launchpad.net/swift/havana/1.9.0> OpenStack meets Lisp: cl-openstack-client <http://julien.danjou.info/blog/2013/lisp-and-openstack-with-cl-openstack-client> A month ago, a mail hit the OpenStack <http://openstack.org/> mailing list entitled "The OpenStack Community Welcomes Developers in All Programming Languages <https://lists.launchpad.net/openstack/msg24349.html>". Julien Danjou <http://julien.danjou.info/blog/> has interpreted that as a challenge and in pure hacker spirit he brought Lisp into OpenStack. Welcome cl-openstack-client <https://github.com/stackforge/cl-openstack-client>, the OpenStack client library for Common Lisp <http://common-lisp.net/>! Introducing the Open Mic Series <http://www.openstack.org/blog/2013/07/introducing-the-open-mic-series/> We're excited to introduce the OpenStack Open Mic series, where we'll be spotlighting technical contributors across our global community during the month of July to celebrate OpenStack's 3rd birthday. If you are an OpenStack contributor and would like to participate, please check out the instructions and questions <https://etherpad.openstack.org/fivequestions>, otherwise follow along to learn more about our community! OpenStack Security Guide now available! <http://www.openstack.org/blog/2013/07/openstack-security-guide-now-available/> The legendary book sprint method has come through again! This past week in a bunker, I mean, secure location near Annapolis, a team of security experts got together to write the /OpenStack Security Guide/. Download the epub file <http://aa4698cc2bf4ab7e5907-ed3df21bb39de4e57eec9a20aa0b8711.r41.cf2.rackcdn.com/OpenStackSecurityGuide.epub> and start reading. The OpenStack Marketing portal <http://www.openstack.org/marketing> Looking for the latest presentation decks? Official logo? Do you have questions on how to use the OpenStack brand? Need quotes for your press release? Answers to these and more questions can be found on the new OpenStack Marketing portal. The new OpenStack Internationalization team <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam> The mission of the OpenStack I18N team is to make OpenStack ubiquitously accessible to people of all language backgrounds, by providing a framework to create high quality translations, recruiting contributors and actively managing and planning the translation process. The team has a new mailing list openstack-i...@list.openstack.org <mailto:openstack-i...@list.openstack.org>, hangs out on #openstack-translation and holds regular meetings <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/I18nTeamMeeting>. Tips 'n Tricks * By Kashyap Chamarthy <http://kashyapc.wordpress.com/>: Unattended F19 guest creation with Oz <http://kashyapc.wordpress.com/2013/07/04/unattended-f19-guest-creation-with-oz/> * By Mirantis <http://www.mirantis.com/>: OpenStack Metering Using Ceilometer <http://www.mirantis.com/blog/openstack-metering-using-ceilometer/> * By Michael Still <http://www.stillhq.com/>: Nova database continuous integration <http://www.stillhq.com/openstack/000015.html> * By Sébastien Han <http://sebastien-han.fr/>: OpenStack: perform a live migration using a specific NIC <http://sebastien-han.fr/blog/2013/07/02/openstack-perform-a-live-migration-using-a-specific-nic/> * By John Bresnahan <https://tropicaldevel.wordpress.com/>: tempest devstack and bugs oh my! <https://tropicaldevel.wordpress.com/2013/06/29/tempest-devstack-and-bugs-oh-my/> Upcoming Events * 2nd OpenStack User Group Meeting <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-User-Group-Poland/events/123417122/> Jul 11, 2013 -- Szczecin, Poland Details <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-User-Group-Poland/events/123417122/> * Boston OpenStack Meetup <http://www.meetup.com/Openstack-Boston/> Jul 16, 2013 -- Boston Details <http://www.meetup.com/Openstack-Boston/> * OpenStack Meeting at "One Convergence" <http://www.meetup.com/Indian-OpenStack-User-Group/events/127721822/> Jul 21, 2013 -- Hyderabad, India Details <http://www.meetup.com/Indian-OpenStack-User-Group/events/127721822/> * OSCON 2013 <http://www.oscon.com/oscon2013> Jul 22 -- 26, 2013 -- Portland, OR Details <http://www.oscon.com/oscon2013> * OpenStack on Ales <http://openstack.onales.com/> Sep 30 -- Oct 01, 2013 -- Bend, OR Details <http://openstack.onales.com/> Reports from Previous Events * We played Doom 3 at the first Rhone-Alpes OpenStack Meet-UP <http://xlcloud.org/bin/view/Blog/We+played+Doom+3+at+the+first+Rhone-Alpes+OpenStack+Meet-UP?language=en> * OpenStack Rhône-Alpes Meet-up #1 <http://www.vuntz.net/journal/post/2013/07/01/OpenStack-Rh%C3%B4ne-Alpes-Meet-up-1> * OpenStack Infrastructure Bootcamp in NYC <http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=8229> * OpenStack Infrastructure Bootcamp <http://dague.net/2013/06/29/openstack-infrastructure-bootcamp/> Other News * Fedora 19 released, now with official cloud images <http://www.blog.sandro-mathys.ch/2013/07/fedora-19-released-now-with-official.html> * Interview with Garima Thockchom from Talligent <http://rafstack.tumblr.com/post/54486469298> * Interview with Yves Fauser at VMware <http://rafstack.tumblr.com/post/54421387247> * Interview with Nicolas Thomas from Canonical <http://rafstack.tumblr.com/post/54338440110> * DreamCon Speaker Series #12: Justin Lund <http://dreamhost.com/dreamscape/2013/06/28/dreamcon-speaker-series-11-justin-lund/> * Informal notes: June 27th OpenStack Foundation Board Meeting <http://blogs.gnome.org/markmc/2013/06/29/june-27th-openstack-foundation-board-meeting/> * OpenStack Project Meeting: Summary <http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/project/2013/project.2013-07-02-21.01.html> and full logs <http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/project/2013/project.2013-07-02-21.01.log.html> Welcome New Developers * Vijendar Komalla, Rackspace * Kwadronaut * Jason Dunsmore, Rackspace * Nachiappan Veerappan Nachiappan, HP * Jordan Pittier, Cloudwatt * Michael Chapman, Cisco * Thomas Spatzier, IBM * Tomasz Paszkowski, Suse * Anthony Dodd, Vbridges * Simo Sorce, Red Hat * Ashwini Shukla, Rackspace * Haneef Ali, HP * Alexander Gordeev, Mirantis * Daniel L Jones, IBM * Jan Grant, HP * HenryGessau, Cisco Got answers? Ask OpenStack <https://ask.openstack.org/> is the go-to destination for OpenStack users. Interesting questions waiting for answers: * Uploading files to OpenStack Object Storage (Swift) by many parts <https://ask.openstack.org/question/2880/uploading-files-to-openstack-object-storage-swift-by-many-parts/> * openstack-dashboard fails to run with error: settings.DATABASES is improperly configured <https://ask.openstack.org/question/2878/openstack-dashboard-fails-to-run-with-error-settingsdatabases-is-improperly-configured/> * OpenStack Object Storage on 45*3TB servers <https://ask.openstack.org/question/2866/openstack-object-storage-on-453tb-servers/> * glance Authorization Failed with Errno 104 <https://ask.openstack.org/question/2882/glance-authorization-failed-with-errno-104/> * keystone UnicodeEncodeError <https://ask.openstack.org/question/2807/keystone-unicodeencodeerror/> * What's the best way to encrypt noVNC viewer in dashboard? <https://ask.openstack.org/question/2831/whats-the-best-way-to-encrypt-novnc-viewer-in-dashboard/> * What causes Metadata service to be very slow? <https://ask.openstack.org/question/2765/what-causes-metadata-service-to-be-very-slow/> * how best to merge swift zone into another? <https://ask.openstack.org/question/2726/how-best-to-merge-swift-zone-into-another/> * ceilometer coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType Found <https://ask.openstack.org/question/2646/ceilometer-coercing-to-unicode-need-string-or-buffer-nonetype-found/> * Unable to Ping or SSH after installing RDO <https://ask.openstack.org/question/2719/unable-to-ping-or-ssh-after-installing-rdo/> /The weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please leave a comment./
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