Highlights of the week

     Kwapi: an energy efficiency architecture

XLcloud HPC project focuses on providing high performance HPC services, while improving energy efficiency. Kwapi makes a smart use of data collected by Ceilometer interfaced with wattmeters in order to introduce power consumption statistics in OpenStack Nova scheduling strategies. Kwapi is stored on StackForge <https://github.com/stackforge/kwapi> and a blueprint is available here <http://www.xlcloud.org/bin/view/XLcloudProjectManagement/EEA>.

     Logging and debugging in OpenStack

The importance of debugging is much more noticeable on large projects like OpenStack, which require both developers and common users contribute and report when something is not going well. In #openstack-101 Victoria Martínez de la Cruz <http://vmartinezdelacruz.com/> met many people wanting to start contributing to OpenStack, but a lot of them didn't know how to provide the right information to see where the problem was when they were facing a blocker. A must read for anybody starting (and a handy bookmark to provide to people stuck somewhere).

     Announcing Climate, the OpenStack capacity leasing project

A capacity leasing service is something really needed by service providers, especially in the context of cloud platforms dedicated to HPC style workload. Instead of building something really specific, the decision has been made to build a new standalone OpenStack components aiming to provide this kind of functionnality to OpenStack. In the spirit of others OpenStack components, it will be extensible to fullfil a large panel of needs around this problematic.

     Participate in the first OpenStack User Survey!

If you are an OpenStack user or have customers with OpenStack deployments, please take 10 minutes to respond to our first User Survey or pass it along to your network. Our community has grown at an amazing rate in 2.5 years, and it's time to better define our user base and requirements, so we can respond and advocate accordingly. TAKE THE SURVEY <http://awe.sm/r0NkC>

       *The Cost Of Client Side Image Downloads On the CPU*

John Bresnahan <https://tropicaldevel.wordpress.com/> discusses the importance of managing the resource consumption of large file transfers. The NIC (and the network in general) is always thought of as a consumable resource involved in a data transfer. To a lesser extent the disk bandwidth is considered, and on occasion the system bus is as well. However, the effects on the CPU tend to be underestimated. John experimented a bit and charted his results.

     Welcome to the renovated OpenStack Technical Committee

The "Spring 2013? election round is now over, and the following 15 people will be members of the OpenStack Technical Committee <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/TechnicalCommittee> for the next 6 months:

 * Russell Bryant (russellb), Nova PTL
 * Thierry Carrez (ttx), Directly-elected
 * Steven Dake (sdake), Heat PTL
 * Julien Danjou (jd__), Ceilometer PTL
 * John Dickinson (notmyname), Swift PTL
 * Anne Gentle (annegentle), Directly-elected
 * John Griffith (jgriffith), Cinder PTL
 * Gabriel Hurley (gabrielhurley), Horizon PTL
 * Vish Ishaya (vishy), Directly-elected
 * Dolph Mathews (dolphm), Keystone PTL
 * Mark McClain (markmcclain), Quantum PTL
 * Mark McLoughlin (markmc), Oslo PTL
 * Mikal Still (mikal), Directly-elected
 * Monty Taylor (mordred), Directly-elected
 * Mark Washenberger (markwash), Glance PTL

   Tips and Tricks

 * By Christian Berendt <http://www.cberendt.de/>: Build images using
 * By Sandro Mathys
   <http://red-fedora.blogspot.com/search/label/OpenStack>: Unused base
   images in OpenStack Nova
 * By Christian Berendt <http://www.cberendt.de/>: Usage of nested
   virtualization inside instances
 * By Kashyap Chamarthy <http://kashyapc.wordpress.com/>: Debugging
   nova --- a small illustration with pdb
 * By John Dickinson <http://programmerthoughts.com/>: OpenStack Swift
   on Raspberry Pi <http://programmerthoughts.com/openstack/swift-on-pi>

   Upcoming Events

 * Vietnam OpenStack Meeting
   <https://www.facebook.com/events/467317409990701/> Mar 30, 2013 --
   Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Details
 * 1st OpenStack User Group Nordics meetup
   <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-User-Group-Nordics/events/95258382/> Apr
   03, 2013 -- Kista, Sweden Details
 * OpenStack Technology Deep Dive
   <http://www.meetup.com/meetup-group-NjZdcegA/events/108724942/> Apr
   04, 2013 -- Chicago, IL Details
 * OpenStack Summit April 2013
   <http://www.openstack.org/summit/portland-2013/> Apr 15 -- 18, 2013
   -- Portland, OR Details <http://www.openstack.org/summit/portland-2013/>
 * Beers / Summit Debrief / Internally Promoting OpenStack
   <http://www.meetup.com/meetup-group-NjZdcegA/events/108730682/> Apr
   24, 2013 -- Chicago, IL Details
 * OpenStack meeting in Cologne
   <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-DACH/events/108876542/> May 04,
   2013 -- Cologne, Germany Details
 * OpenStack DACH Day
   <http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/3/prweb10526716.htm> May 24,
   2013 -- Berlin Fairgrounds Details
 * OpenStack Israel <http://www.meetup.com/IGTCloud/events/99146542/>
   May 27, 2013 -- Tel-Aviv, Israel Details
 * OpenStack CEE Day <http://www.openstack.org/> May 29, 2013 --
   Budapest Details <http://www.openstack.org/>
 * Building an OpenStack Cloud
   <http://www.meetup.com/meetup-group-NjZdcegA/events/108731562/> May
   30, 2013 -- Chicago, IL Details
 * OpenStack meeting in Munich
   <http://www.meetup.com/openstack-de/events/109700562/> Jun 11, 2013
   -- Munich, Germany Details
 * GigaOM Structure <http://event.gigaom.com/structure/> Jun 19 -- 20,
   2013 -- San Francisco, CA Details <http://event.gigaom.com/structure/>
 * OSCON 2013 <http://www.oscon.com/oscon2013> Jul 22 -- 26, 2013 --
   Portland, OR Details <http://www.oscon.com/oscon2013>

   Reports from past events

 * Report: March month OpenStack meetup,Bangalore, India
 * OpenStack hits World Hosting Days 2013 in Germany!
 * Taiwan OpenStack User Group Meeting March 27

   Other News

 * Puppet modules for Ceph finally landed!
 * State of the Q -- ZeroMQ in OpenStack Grizzly
 * Recruiting -- Translation Coordinator
 * Documentation -- Push for Grizzly
 * OpenStack Project Meeting: Summary
   and full logs

   Got questions?

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/The weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please leave a comment./

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