Highlights of the week -- Holiday edition
Happy holidays from the whole team at the OpenStack Foundation. We wish
you a merry time to spend with your beloved ones.
DevStack on openSUSE, or how to quickly setup OpenStack on
DevStack is a set of shell scripts to build complete OpenStack
development environments. It is useful to create a small OpenStack
environment that will be used for hacking, testing, etc. and is
therefore primarily used for upstream development. Vincent Untz got
DevStack to work on openSUSE.
Ten Useful Openstack Swift Features
Adrian Smith goes through some of the new features introduced in Swift
1.7.5 and their implication. If you want to learn about CORS support
Etag, Object versioning and other nice features read his post.
Introducing OpenStack Packstack
Derek Higgins developed a tool that is capable of installing OpenStack
in a distributed environment using some of the most common
configurations. Packstack can be used to transform Fedora 17/18, RHEL 6
or CentOS 6 servers into a functional Openstack Folsom deployment. The
tool ssh's onto each server and apply's puppet manifests to set
openstack up. On his blog post Derek outlines how to use his Packstack
on Fedora 17.
A look at individual membership in the OpenStack Foundation
It's no secret that I like numbers and charts. If you like them too,
then David Fishman's post is a must read for the holidays. Davide took a
snapshot of the membership of the OpenStack Foundation using the
publicly available data. Who are these people and what are their
affiliations? What if anything does it say about the use and uptake of
OpenStack cloud? What doesn't it say? And, like any data, what other
useful questions does it raise? Remember that the OpenStack Foundation
elections are coming
<http://www.openstack.org/election/2013-board-election/> and the
holidays may be a good time to get to know the candidates
for the Board of Directors.
To OpenStack
Martin Paulo introduced OpenStack to a new group of people. He collected
and published his notes: I believe his work can be very useful for other
OpenStack speakers.
Tips and tricks
* By Sébastien Han <http://sebastien-han.fr/>:Where does my instance
* By Christian Berendt <http://www.cberendt.de/>: Allocation of
multiple VLAN ranges on one physical network
* By Michael Still <http://www.stillhq.com/>: Some quick operational
notes for users of loop and nbd devices
Upcoming Events
* OpenStack China Tour: Wuhan
<http://hui.csdn.net/MeetingInfo.aspx?mid=157> Dec 22, 2012 --
Wuhan, China Details <http://hui.csdn.net/MeetingInfo.aspx?mid=157>
* Minnesota OpenStack: Part 2
Jan 07, 2013 -- Minneapolis, MN Details
* FOSDEM'13 <https://fosdem.org/2013/schedule/track/cloud/> Feb 02 --
03, 2013 -- Bruxelles, Belgium Cloud track
Other news
* The new OpenStack Marketing team has its own wiki page
http://wiki.openstack.org/Governance/Foundation/Marketing with good
* Horizon Hyper-V RDP console access
* Report from past events:
o Event Report: OpenStack Day, Bangalore, India
* OpenStack Project Meeting: Summary
and full logs
Welcome new contributors
Celebrating the first patches submitted this week by:
* Harika Vakadi, Persistent
* Ben Andrews
* Walter A. Boring IV, HP
* Therese McHale, HP
Bonus Video
Overview of OpenStack and the OpenStack Foundation by Mark Collier:
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