I’ve installed essex and when I reboot one of the nova-compute node and next when I start nova-compute service again,the system promote:
Libvirt: QEMU error: Domain not found: no domain with matching name ‘instance-0000000a’
Then I found:
#ls /var/lib/nova/instances
_base instance-0000000a instance-0000000b instance-0000000c
#ls /etc/libvirt/qemu
instance-0000000b.xml instance-0000000c.xml Network
/var/lib/nova/instances/instance-0000000a# virsh define libvirt.xml
Domain instance-0000000a defined from libvirt.xml
#ls /etc/libvirt/qemu
Instance-0000000a.xml instance-0000000b.xml instance-0000000c.xml network
Then I restart: nova-compute &, and nova-compute could normally started.
I did not understand why reboot compute node,and usually the first instance’s xml file was deleted and nova-compute will terminate.
By the way, when I create a new instance, the first line in the log also is : Libvirt: QEMU error: Domain not found: no domain with matching name ‘instance-0000000a’
Anyone who had met such a problem and why?