Highlights of the week

      OpenStack Foundation Board - Gold Member Election Results

The Gold Members completed their election as planned. DLA Piper
administered the election and has passed along the results. The eight
elected companies and the individuals they intend to appoint to the
board are listed alphabetically below:

  * Cisco -- Lew Tucker
  * Cloudscaling -- Randy Bias
  * Dell -- John Igoe
  * Dreamhost -- Simon Anderson
  * ITRI/CCAT -- Dr. Tzi-cker Chiueh
  * Mirantis -- Boris Renski
  * Piston -- Joshua McKenty
  * Yahoo! -- Sean Roberts

Congratulations to the first members of OpenStack Foundation Board of

      OpenStack Swift: Where do we go from here?

Swift has many exciting features coming in the OpenStack Folsom Release
this fall, but where do we go from here? What's next for Swift in
grizzly? Join the discussion with the developers and give your feedback.

      The Return of Hyper-V <http://markmail.org/message/r46uxsblqviqr2j6>

It's back: Hyper-V support is integrated back into Nova with

      OpenStack Security blog: An oldie but a goodie Josh McKenty's EMEA
      Launch Slides

This is a pretty antiquated presentation. Plenty of stuff has changed in
openstack since it was given, for better and for worse. But it gives you
an idea that the origins of OpenStack were built with security in mind.
When at NASA we had some pretty good security and policy guys
contributing heavily to the sprint planning sessions we had. The result
was a code base that was fairly flexible when it came to adjusting
itself to meet policy requirements.

      Understanding VlanManager Network Flows in OpenStack Cloud: Six

In a couple of recent posts
<http://www.mirantis.com/author/psiwczakmirantis-com/> Mirantis'
engineer Piotr Siwczak
<http://www.mirantis.com/author/psiwczakmirantis-com/> covered some
fundamental concepts of OpenStack networking, including VlanManager
<http://www.mirantis.com/blog/openstack-networking-vlanmanager/> and
floating IPs
This post builds upon such content and aims to present how traffic flows
in different scenarios addressed by OpenStack.

      First OpenStack User Group Meetup in Delhi NCR, India!

Openstack Delhi NCR chapter started yesterday with our first meet up.
Students, Professors and Corporate entities attended the meeting.

      Announcing proof-of-concept Load Balancing as a Service project

Mirantis in collaboration with Cisco OpenStack team and a number of
other community members, started socializing the blueprints for an
elastic load balancer API service.

      Assign, commit and review: a Developer's Guide to OpenStack

Luo Zhongyue asks for feedback to his presentation at OpenStack APAC
Conference http://www.slideshare.net/lzyeval/assign-commit-and-review

      How I contribute to OpenStack series

Rackspace is running a series of interviews to the protagonists of
OpenStack development. Titled 'How I contribute to OpenStack', it 
collects insight straight from key developers on the front lines about
how they became involved in OpenStack and the open cloud, and what
contributions they've made.

The first two installments saw SolidFire <http://solidfire.com/>
Software Engineer John Griffith
and Red Hat <http://www.redhat.com/> Principal Software Engineer Mark
More to come on How I contribute to OpenStack

    Tips and Tricks

  * By Lorin Hochstein: Ansible, Vagrant and OpenStack on your laptop
  * By Alessandro Tagliapietra: Openstack: Force writethrough cache mode
    in qcow2 images
  * By the Clouds Lab: A Step-by-Step Guide to Deploying OpenStack on
    CentOS Using the KVM Hypervisor and GlusterFS Distributed File
    System <http://markmail.org/message/gjwza57oniy4uwpk>

    Upcoming Events

          + Hack on Chef OpenStack Cookbooks -- Swedish Style
            <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-LA/events/75878692/> Aug
            21, 2012 -- Los Angeles, CA Details
          + Australian OpenStack User Group -- Adelaide Meetup with
            SAGE-AU <http://aosug.openstack.org.au/events/66911242/> Aug
            28, 2012 -- Details
          + Block Storage Service is Cemented by Cinder
            <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-LA/events/74425192/> Aug
            30, 2012 -- Los Angeles, CA Details
          + OpenStack Swift meetup
            <http://www.meetup.com/openstack/events/77706042/> Aug 30,
            2012 -- San Francisco, CA Details
          + OpenStack Summit <http://openstack.org/> Oct 15 -- 18, 2012
            -- San Diego, CA

    Other news

  * Nick Lothian published the results of the survey to discover what
    tools people are using to manage their resources across multiple
    cloud providers: http://fifthvertex.com/2012/08/07/cloud-tools-survey/
  * OpenStack Nova Meeting notes
  * OpenStack Project Meeting 2012-08-14: Summary
    and Meeting log

    Welcome new contributors

Celebrating the first patches submitted this week by:

  * Daryl Walleck, Rackspace
  * Alessandro Pilotti, CloudBase Solutions

/The weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the
various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add
content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please
leave a comment./

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