Hi David and John,


I am not sure if we are talking about the same, It seems that Marc needs
base RedHat images to be used on his OpenStack deployment.

It seems that you are talking on some kind of RedHat distribution with
OpenStack already installed, if not please clarify and let us know what
the EPEL repo link is  :-)






From: John Paul Walters [mailto:jwalt...@isi.edu] 
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 2:30 PM
To: David Busby
Cc: Edgar Magana (eperdomo); <openstack@lists.launchpad.net>
Subject: Re: [Openstack] RHEL 5 & 6 OpenStack image archive...




We're currently in the process of building Essex-3/Essex-4 RPMs locally
at USC/ISI for our heterogeneous Openstack builds.  When I looked at the
EPEL testing repo, it looked like the packages that are currently
available are right around Essex-1.  Are there any plans to update to
the more recent versions?  Perhaps we could collaborate.







On Mar 2, 2012, at 4:05 PM, David Busby wrote:

We currently have openstack available in EPEL testing repo, help in
testing is appreciated.

Sent from my iPhone

On 2 Mar 2012, at 18:13, "Edgar Magana (eperdomo)" <eperd...@cisco.com>

        Hi Marc,


        I ended up creating my own RHEL 6.1 image. If you want I can
share it with you.




        Edgar Magana

        CTO Cloud Computing


        From: openstack-bounces+eperdomo=cisco....@lists.launchpad.net
[mailto:openstack-bounces+eperdomo=cisco....@lists.launchpad.net] On
Behalf Of J. Marc Edwards
        Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 8:23 AM
        To: openstack@lists.launchpad.net
        Subject: [Openstack] RHEL 5 & 6 OpenStack image archive...


        Can someone tell me where these base images are located for use
on my OpenStack deployment?
        Kind regards, Marc


        J. Marc Edwards
        Lead Architect - Semiconductor Design Portals
        Nimbis Services, Inc.
        Skype: (919) 747-3775
        Cell:  (919) 345-1021
        Fax:   (919) 882-8602
        www.nimbisservices.com <http://www.nimbisservices.com/> 

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