I would probably add:

-          Standardize capability reporting for nova-volume service

-          Volume-type aware schedulers

-          Volume-type aware drivers (or actually volume drivers for volume

WRT time of the meeting – pls note that there is Vish’s meeting at 2pm PST.
We could do ours prior or after that. How about 1pm PST?



*From:* Renuka Apte [mailto:renuka.a...@citrix.com]
*Sent:* Wednesday, October 12, 2011 10:52 AM
*To:* John Griffith; Vladimir Popovski
*Cc:* openstack-volume@lists.launchpad.net; Esker, Robert;
vishvana...@gmail.com; cth...@racklabs.com; tim.red...@hp.com; w...@mpstor.com;
Ewan Mellor; Holl, Jim; clay.gerr...@rackspace.com
*Subject:* RE: nova volume - next steps

Hi John, everyone,

Thursday afternoon works for me. Could we have a specific agenda of
everything people would like to bring up, so we can make progress.

Should we start/limit the meeting to the topics proposed on etherpad

So far we have:

Add Default Scheduler

Zone Aware Volumes

API Changes

Default volume type flag

ADMIN API for dynamic storage

Multiple volume creation

This already seems like a lot. Anything we need to add? Anything that can

Do we have blueprints that need attention?



*From:* John Griffith [mailto:john.griff...@solidfire.com]
*Sent:* Wednesday, October 12, 2011 10:37 AM
*To:* Vladimir Popovski
*Cc:* Renuka Apte; openstack-volume@lists.launchpad.net; Esker, Robert;
vishvana...@gmail.com; cth...@racklabs.com; tim.red...@hp.com; w...@mpstor.com;
Ewan Mellor; Holl, Jim; clay.gerr...@rackspace.com
*Subject:* Re: nova volume - next steps

On 10/12/2011 10:56 AM, Vladimir Popovski wrote:

Adding volume ML to cc.

As John pointed before, it might be beneficial if we will meet over
IRC/phone and discuss our requirements for the product. Based on that we
could create some work plan and assign priorities.

How about this coming Thursday… or is it too early? The alternative option –
to do it over email...



*From:* Renuka Apte [mailto:renuka.a...@citrix.com]
*Sent:* Wednesday, October 12, 2011 9:29 AM
*To:* John Griffith
*Cc:* Esker, Robert; vishvana...@gmail.com; Chuck Thier <cth...@racklabs.com>
(cth...@racklabs.com); vladi...@zadarastorage.com; tim.red...@hp.com;
w...@mpstor.com; Ewan Mellor; Holl, Jim; clay.gerr...@rackspace.com
*Subject:* RE: nova volume - next steps

Adding Clay from Rackspace.

*From:* John Griffith [mailto:john.griff...@solidfire.com]
*Sent:* Monday, October 10, 2011 3:46 PM
*To:* Renuka Apte
*Cc:* Esker, Robert; vishvana...@gmail.com; Chuck Thier <cth...@racklabs.com>
(cth...@racklabs.com); vladi...@zadarastorage.com; tim.red...@hp.com;
w...@mpstor.com; Ewan Mellor; Holl, Jim
*Subject:* Re: nova volume - next steps

It seems that we all have some thoughts/desires surrounding block storage
and ways to integrate with OpenStack.  I'm wondering if it would be of
value/interest to conduct a meeting (IRC, phone, ???)?  I'm open with
regards to the format, but I think there are a number of things that folks
are interested in here and it might be useful to try and see if we can
coordinate a bit to actually contribute something that offers reuse for

It also might be useful for some of us to discuss the current
implementation/capabilities and what we feel is missing (if anything).


On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 4:39 PM, Renuka Apte <renuka.a...@citrix.com> wrote:

Thank you Vladimir, for creating the group. I have subscribed us to the SM
and filedriver blueprints.



*From:* Esker, Robert [mailto:rob.es...@netapp.com]
*Sent:* Monday, October 10, 2011 2:48 PM
*To:* Renuka Apte; vishvana...@gmail.com; Chuck Thier <cth...@racklabs.com>
(cth...@racklabs.com); vladi...@zadarastorage.com; tim.red...@hp.com;
w...@mpstor.com; john.griff...@solidfire.com
*Cc:* Ewan Mellor; Holl, Jim
*Subject:* Re: nova volume - next steps

Renuka et al,

No specific preference on how to communicate…  Regarding blueprints:

NetApp will be submitting a blueprint for integration with NetApp's
OnCommand Provisoning Manager Service Catalog.  We've also interest in the


Please also add Jim Holl (cc'd here) to this distribution.


Rob Esker


*From: *Renuka Apte <renuka.a...@citrix.com>
*Date: *Mon, 10 Oct 2011 14:20:15 -0700
*To: *"vishvana...@gmail.com" <vishvana...@gmail.com>, "Chuck Thier <
cth...@racklabs.com> (cth...@racklabs.com)" <cth...@racklabs.com>, "
vladi...@zadarastorage.com" <vladi...@zadarastorage.com>, "tim.red...@hp.com"
<tim.red...@hp.com>, "w...@mpstor.com" <w...@mpstor.com>, Rob Esker <
es...@netapp.com>, "john.griff...@solidfire.com" <
*Cc: *Ewan Mellor <ewan.mel...@eu.citrix.com>
*Subject: *nova volume - next steps


I thought I should get a thread started with everyone who wants to be
involved with the nova volume code.

1.       I was wondering how people would like to communicate going forward
– mailing list, weekly/biweekly meetings, or emails as required?

2.       Could we share any blueprints/ roadmaps that we have, so that
everyone knows what’s coming, and to avoid duplicating effort.
Currently Citrix is working on getting the storage manager code upstream.
Here is the blueprint for that:

I know this one is going to be merged upstream soon:

I couldn’t find any blueprint for the session we had about “Secure control
path for Nova-volume attach”.
Vish, do you know the status of these blueprints -
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova?searchtext=volume ?

Please add anyone from your team I may have missed.



I think Thursday sounds good, not sure of time zones but if folks are
interested we can try to get something organized today.

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