Excerpts from Tim Bell's message of 2018-03-20 19:48:31 +0000:
> Interesting debate, thanks for raising it.
> Would we still need the same style of summit forum if we have the
> OpenStack Community Working Gathering? One thing I have found with
> the forum running all week throughout the summit is that it tends
> to draw audience away from other talks so maybe we could reduce the
> forum to only a subset of the summit time?

I support the idea of having all contributors attend the contributor
event (and rebranding it to reflect that change in emphasis), but
it's not quite clear how the result would be different from the
Forum. Is it just the scheduling? (Having input earlier in the cycle
would be convenient, for sure.)

Thierry's comment about "work sessions" earlier in the thread seems

Looking over the agenda for the last Ops Meetup [1], I see a few
things that, based solely on the titles (I wasn't able to attend),
don't really look like topics that have been discussed at the PTG
in the past ("legacy workloads migration to OpenStack", "vSwitch
or Offload by SmartNIC?", "NFV hardware design").  Would those move
to the Forum? Or some other event like the regional OpenStack Days?
Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what was discussed -- I don't question
the usefulness of the topics, it's just not clear what the outcomes
were, or if those were "work sessions".

I see other topics for which there is more clear overlap. Items
like "Fast forward upgrades" and "LTS Releases" were covered by PTG
sessions and we would have benefited from having more operator input
in those sessions. "Documentation" is a tricky one now that most
of the work there is being done by project teams. If operator-contributors
want to talk more about docs, maybe we'll see them covered more in
the project team work sessions, though, and that would be a good

I'm interested to hear from folks to attend the Ops meetups regularly
to see what they think.


[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/TYO-ops-meetup-2018

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