Hi folks,

At last group meeting we decided upon a new meeting time for our bi-weekly meetings - new meeting time is: *Thursdays 1400 UTC odd weeks in IRC channel #openstack-publiccloud*

Wiki and official calendar file are updated accordingly.

During last meeting we touched on the subject "Forum sessions", got a few ideas. Now it's time to start brainstorming more officially. If you have a topic - please add it to the official list of topics for the Public Cloud WG [1] - and put your name as moderator. If you need or would like to have help moderating, please make a note about that and I'm pretty sure we can figure out a way to solve that as well.

Next meeting will focus a bit on the Forum sessions - but it is encouraged to start discussions in #openstack-publiccloud before that. Deadline for proposal submission is April 2nd. More can be read at the Forum wiki page [2].

[1] - https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/YVR-publiccloud-wg-brainstorming
[2] - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Forum/Vancouver2018

Talk soon!


Tobias Rydberg
Senior Developer
Mobile: +46 733 312780

www.citynetwork.eu | www.citycloud.com

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